Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Goldie

341. 7 Mar 2010 15:35


1. What is your favorite holiday?

It's a toss up between Easter and Christmas.

2. What type of animal, in your opinion is long overdue to become a star animated character?


3. What was the first name of your very first childhood crush?

Grade 1....Jimmy

4. You have your favorite sandwich in front of you. Describe it.

A Kraft single slice of cheese, thick slice of tomato with plenty of black pepper, slice of onion, grilled in butter between thick slices of white bread.

5. What does Summer smell like?

Wet earth after a thunder storm. A variety of flowers and freshly mowed grass.

342. 7 Mar 2010 17:20


1. Favorite Holiday................Christmas

2. Type of animal..................opossum

3. First name of childhood crush.............Brian (1st grade)

4. Favorite sandwich.....................Ruben with sauerkraut on pumpernickle

5. What does summer smell like................fresh cut grass and sweet hyacinth

343. 9 Mar 2010 07:16


favorite holiday, my birthday (its a holiday to me but dont kno if t counts)
dont have an answer 4 #2
1st crush, Dakota in preschool (he had the same birthday as me, but I was an hour older )
my fave sandwich is just plain grilled cheese.
summer smells like ocean

344. 9 Mar 2010 14:50


1. What is your favorite holiday?

Summer holidays...

2. What type of animal, in your opinion is long overdue to become a star animated character?

Squirrel, octopus, penguin. Penguins are a must in cartoons!

3. What was the first name of your very first childhood crush?

Really, really couldn't say who my first crush was, but I'm prety sure it doesn't go back to childhood!

4. You have your favorite sandwich in front of you. Describe it.


5. What does Summer smell like?

Summer smells like holiday! Or it should...

345. 9 Mar 2010 17:00


1. What is your favorite holiday?
Hmm, it must be Christmas, no wait it’s Halloween, no no no Christmas, but wait you get to dress up and eat candy on Halloween... aaahhh, I just can’t decide.

2. What type of animal, in your opinion is long overdue to become a star animated character?
Giraffe or Dragon (Or a Giraffe-Dragon!)

3. What was the first name of your very first childhood crush?
I don’t recall having a childhood crush but the first boy I ever kissed was named Buddy. I didn’t particularly like him but when I said to the boys ‘Go away or I’ll kiss you!!’ he didn’t run away so I had to kiss him.

4. You have your favorite sandwich in front of you. Describe it
Ancient grains bread, sauerkraut, corned beef, lots of melty Suisse cheese and a nice whole seed mustard.

5. What does Summer smell like?
To me summer smells like cocoa butter (for the sun tan lotion) and freshed squeezed limes (for the margaritas)

346. 10 Mar 2010 20:23


Hey all, So I was checking my picture gallery and noticed that no one has been commenting on my pics. So, please, if u have xtra time, plz comment and tell me what u think. I'd LUV 2 hear from u!!!

347. 13 Mar 2010 11:32


thank u all 4 commenting on my pics! Now time for another survey!

Where is your dream location to live in?
a. Hawaii
c. New york City
d. Las Vegas

Also, what is ur dream house?
a. A peaceful cottage
b.a romantic boat house
c.a roomy apartment
d. a house next to a dance club

348. 13 Mar 2010 11:34


mine is b and c (I love Paris and the view from high apartment buildings.)

349. 13 Mar 2010 11:57


Check out new surveys of TD forum

350. 15 Mar 2010 18:18


is anyone gonna answer? pleez? I need 2 kno 4 something confidental, but important!

351. 15 Mar 2010 21:07


My dream location would be Paris, though I don't speak French. I'd have to learn! But my peaceful cottage in Paris would need a large garden around it.

352. 16 Mar 2010 09:32


Mine would be Hawaii and a peaceful cottage as well (though I would like my peaceful cottage in the country to be not to far from the city, I love the quiet life but I'm a city girl born and raised- I don't think I could handle being without a little hustle and bustle!)

353. 16 Mar 2010 09:35



354. 16 Mar 2010 09:36


Hmmm. Seems my reply wound up other than where I thought it would...

355. 16 Mar 2010 09:42


I must be losing my mind (entirely possible!), but I thought I just read a note from Goldie stating it was sunny in Hawaii, her dog was driving her nuts, and a new survey asking what our favorite drink was--hence my answer D. Yet, Goldie's comments appear not to be here now. Very weird.

356. 19 Mar 2010 09:57


Oh, that comment was from a long time ago

357. 19 Mar 2010 14:24


Thx Goldie. I must've been further back in the comments than I realized. Whew--I was feeling nuts for awhile!

358. 19 Mar 2010 19:26


I try to feel a little crazy at least once a day. I find it very cathartic.

359. 19 Mar 2010 21:02


lol Dragon! I like your approach to life.

360. 25 Mar 2010 15:27


Time for another mini-survey from your Auntie B

1. What is your favorite piece of clothing you wear when being comfortable is more important than anything else?
(Auntie B has a beat-up oversized old sweatshirt that belonged to an old Beau on the Brown University wrestling team)

2. Your Beau decides to serenade you from below your balcony, what should he sing?
(Dream A Little Dream of Me)

3. What shouldn't he sing?
(Stick Out Your Can, Here Comes The Garbage Man)

4. Is Simon Cowell sexy, yes or no?
(Yes, but he should wear something other than a v-neck jersey when on television)

5. Do you put salt & pepper on your food, automatically before tasting it first?
(No, and I would only put salt at all if it were extraordinarily tasteless)