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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Goldie

281. 21 Feb 2010 08:27


polenta, I have never paid to use a restroom in either Canada or the USA. I understand there are some hoity toity hotels and restaraunts where they have bathroom attendents and you are expected to tip them but I have never seen that in person. (I don't think I'd tip someone for handing me a towel either, I'm perfectly capable of drying my own hands)

282. 21 Feb 2010 08:41


Bathroom attendants? Never seen one of those!

283. 21 Feb 2010 08:55


Goldie, it happens in DE LUXE hotels, airports and the like. I've never gone to a house where there was a butler.... but I know they exist. LOL

284. 21 Feb 2010 11:34


Hey Q my group leader has been to the that museum! We have certain projects that come up like the 166 project which is a whole body and interior change for the Mercedez M-Class. He was involved on another project and was in Germany for a year and he went everywhere!

I was hoping that I would get to put in for the 166 project but since we have to stay 8 weeks at a time in Germany I couldnt leave my girls that long. The project last for over a year.

It's really a great opportunity to see Europe because the company pays for you way over, puts you up in a nice appartment and even gives you money for food. All you have to pay for are the extras that the company dosent provide.

I thought, what a small world when I saw your post!
My groupleader is also heading up the 166 project so he will be going back to Germany in March. I want him to bring me back a Black Forrest Coo coo Clock!

285. 21 Feb 2010 12:57


1. Favorite small museum -
Dali's museum (Paris). I also like Grigore Antipa Museum- it's about history of nature (in order to be able to take the virtual tour of the museum you have to answer a short survey- first question asks about gender, second about age, the third about studies- highschool; faculty; post-universitary and the fourth asks what's biology to you: your activity field; a hobby; something else. Chose those and press the 'viziteaza' button).

2. Restrooms in a pinch -
i'd look wherever but i'd only pick an extremely clean one!

3. Fave poem -
My heart leaps up when I behold- William Worthwords...
4. Dr's waiting room mag -
- Neurosurgery Today

5. Wake -
- leave....i dont think it's appropriate to stay and chat...say some conforting words is one thing...but chat?

286. 21 Feb 2010 12:58


3. i o know it by heart (it's very short anyway) and I also like a tone of other no point mentioning them I suppose

287. 24 Feb 2010 08:05


It's time for another quick survey!

1. How would you throw a party, using exactly ten words?
(toss salad, chill wine, order pizza, pick out music, relax)

2. What would you name your new pet goldfish?

3. What was the first book you read (don't count your preschool books) that was not required reading at school?
(Pierre Boule's 'Planet of the Apes')

4. Do you shut down/ unplug electronic devices during a thunderstorm?
(only my computer)

5. Have you ever been to the seashore/ocean?
(yes, every one except the Arctic)

6. Have you ever worn a wig or a hairpiece?

7. If you were given a $100 gift certificate to a clothing store what would you buy?
(Auntie B just can't resist the shoe department, I'd look for a new pair of dressy heels)

8. What sport would you like to become good at?
(Beach Volleyball)

9. Your Grandfather left you a huge mounted Moose head in his will from a moose he had shot and killed himself. Would you keep it, try to trade it for something else from the estate or sell it?
(I would give it to Baldur, he would certainly love it)

10. Would you attend a religious service (of a religion you are not associated with) just out of curiosity?
(Definitely, I have done so)

288. 24 Feb 2010 09:58


…sigh… the thing about these survey things is they’re so seductively short compared to drawing…. and I * should * be not here at all…

1. party –
invite people; raid Whole Foods or make reservations at FuShing

2. goldfish –

3. book –
Way before school I remember standing on a chair and carefully pulling down books from my grandmother’s shelves… ones I kept going back to again and again until I could finally fully understand the words on my own were a huge green covered gardening book that had whole discussions on how to arrange plantings and care for your tools, an illustrated dictionary so thick it had a fingertip notch for each letter plus whole sections of things like all the semaphore flags and types of dogs etc, and Bulfinch’s Mythology. Those books had the most entrancing line drawings, and the “stories” turned out to be equally interesting.

4. unplugging –
no, I use huge surge suppressors

5. seashore –
Pacific and Atlantic

6. hairpieces –
not yet

7. clothing –
hm… $100 could go toward new spike-heeled boots… or disappear on a gorgeous silk scarf… or… pff… I don’t know and I truly hate shopping. Wait… jeans! Several pair at a thrift store! ;>

8. sport –
does clog-dancing count?

9. moose-head –
Baldur/AuntieB! …when were you here?!

10. religions –

289. 24 Feb 2010 10:43


Hum lets see............................? YOU

290. 24 Feb 2010 17:57


1. How would you throw a party, using exactly ten words?
(martini, belini, cosmopolitan, margarita, mojito, vodka slime, rum and coke)

2. What would you name your new pet goldfish?

3. What was the first book you read (don't count your preschool books) that was not required reading at school?
(Pierre Boule's 'Planet of the Apes')

4. Do you shut down/ unplug electronic devices during a thunderstorm?
(nope, surge protector is built in to the cord on my laptop-though we do unplug for earth hour)

5. Have you ever been to the seashore/ocean?
(pacific, then pacific then atlantic then atlantic again then pacific then atlantic again)

6. Have you ever worn a wig or a hairpiece?
(absolutely! Every Halloween)

7. If you were given a $100 gift certificate to a clothing store what would you buy?
(shoes for sure, in fact if I was on What Not To Wear-which of course I’m way to stylish to end up on- I could spend the entire $5000 on shoes alone)

8. What sport would you like to become good at?

9. Your Grandfather left you a huge mounted Moose head in his will from a moose he had shot and killed himself. Would you keep it, try to trade it for something else from the estate or sell it?
(I think I might mount it in our shed)

10. Would you attend a religious service (of a religion you are not associated with) just out of curiosity?
(With pleasure, so long as my being there didn’t disrupt or offend-Dragons aren’t welcome in all religious circles you know)

291. 25 Feb 2010 13:43


1. How would you throw a party, using exactly ten words?
(Cook too much , invite everyone, light candles and the fireplace)

2. What would you name your new pet goldfish?
(Shamu.... Tilikum would be in poor taste)

3. What was the first book you read (don't count your preschool books) that was not required reading at school?
(Stranger in a Strange Land)

4. Do you shut down/ unplug electronic devices during a thunderstorm?

5. Have you ever been to the seashore/ocean?
(both the Atlantic and Pacific)

6. Have you ever worn a wig or a hairpiece?

7. If you were given a $100 gift certificate to a clothing store what would you buy?
(I always need more extra tall longsleeve button-down dress shirts)

8. What sport would you like to become good at?

9. Your Grandfather left you a huge mounted Moose head in his will from a moose he had shot and killed himself. Would you keep it, try to trade it for something else from the estate or sell it?
(I would love to have a huge moosehead hanging over the fireplace at Chez Baldur, but not one killed for me, only an antique one)

10. Would you attend a religious service (of a religion you are not associated with) just out of curiosity?
(Yes, I've done that. The naked pagan one was my favorite)

292. 25 Feb 2010 16:15


I forgot to put my answer in for first book read (I accidently left Auntie B's answer in there) I can't really remember because I've been reading books on my own for as long as I've been reading, but the first serious book not for school may have been Island of the Blue Dolphin (I've read it many times since too, it never gets old)

293. 25 Feb 2010 20:20


Dragon - so it wasn't just a cute coincidence! Actually, I remember reading Island of the Blue Dolphins... several times through! ...sitting on the floor of the public library and working my way through the children's section one summer. Must have been about 10 or 11.

By then I'd already read Kabloona... classic work on living among the Inuit in the 1930's

Head Hunting in the Solomon Islands... tale of two women trekking into the wild in the 30's to paint portraits of the already-vanishing native people there

and Grapes of Wrath... got in trouble for that last one from a neighbor's mom who saw it and threatened to tell mine... but mine already knew... the only ones she locked away were De Maupassant and a couple others like that... and the key stood in the bookcase lock... lol... she just told me I'd like those better if I waited til I had a bit more living before I read them, and I believed her. I have to say, I was quite startled some years later when I RE-read Steinbeck... amazing what goes clean over one's head when one is not ready....

The only kids' books I'd had home access to until then were from a couple/three generations before, but those were magical.

The Louisa May Alcott ones (way more than just Little Women),
Laura Ingalls Wilder's 'Little House' series,
L.M. Montgomery's 'Anne of __' books,
The Bobbsey Twins...
Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue...
My Friend Flicka...

plus a history book from the 1850's and a fantastic set of World Book Encyclopedias from the 1930's...

and yep, I still have them all. ;>

Soooo... c'mon, folks... what are some old fashioned books YOU'VE read?

294. 26 Feb 2010 05:20


I've been trying to catch up on the 'classics' that I missed in school, In the past year those included:
The complete Edgar Allen Poe
The Secret Garden
Frankenstein's Monster
The Scarlet Letter
The House of the Seven Gables
Treasure Island
A Farewell to Arms
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Pride and Prejudice

This year I'm focusing on:
Mark Twain
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's 'Sherlock Holmes' stories
Agatha Christie's 'Miss Marples' stuff

I'd also like to read the Shakespeare plays that I haven't read yet, some P.G. Wodehouse and Jules Verne.

295. 26 Feb 2010 10:18


I read Bram Stokers Dracula, I must say I found it the driest book I've ever read. I can't say I enjoyed it at all and I found the format unfulfilling. I also tried to read Moby Dick and gave up after finding a chapter that was actually just the entire whale section of an encyclopedia.
Poe's work I very much enjoy and if we're talking about classics I found The Odyssey to be riviting. We did read it in school but I kept my copy and have read it a couple times since. It's very lyrical (not surprising for an epic poem I suppose)

296. 26 Feb 2010 12:05


Yeah well...I've been reading Hanry James's Daisy Miller lately and I like it. I was just thinking that Stoker's Dracula (I intend to read that someday too) has so little to do with our Bran Castle...nevertheless it's due to this book that the castle became famous.

297. 26 Feb 2010 16:01


my answers:

1. How would you throw a party, using exactly ten words?
(music,friends,Pepsi,michrophone,computer,TV,iPhone,Wii,other stuff)

2. What would you name your new pet goldfish?

3. What was the first book you read (don't count your preschool books) that was not required reading at school?
(I don't remember)

4. Do you shut down/ unplug electronic devices during a thunderstorm?
(well, my mom or dad does.)

5. Have you ever been to the seashore/ocean?
(I live by a beach)

6. Have you ever worn a wig or a hairpiece?
(Every Halloween)

7. If you were given a $100 gift certificate to a clothing store what would you buy?

8. What sport would you like to become good at?

9. Your Grandfather left you a huge mounted Moose head in his will from a moose he had shot and killed himself. Would you keep, try to trade it for something else from the estate or sell it?
(Sell it. I think its gross and cruel what they do.)

10. Would you attend a religious service (of a religion you are not associated with) just out of curiosity?
(probably not)

298. 26 Feb 2010 21:28


1. How would you throw a party, using exactly ten words?

Invite friends for sleigh ride and hot chocolate around bonfire.

2. What would you name your new pet goldfish?


3. What was the first book you read (don't count your preschool books) that was not required reading at school?

The very popular Island of the Blue was a series in the Free Press Weekly. I was pretty young as I remember my parents chuckling over my pronunciation of Dolphins. Seems to me I was missing some front teeth at the time! I could hardly wait for my Dad to come home with the paper every week.

I read everything I could get my hands on....and yes Qsilv...Heaven does protect the innocent!

4. Do you shut down/ unplug electronic devices during a thunderstorm?


5. Have you ever been to the seashore/ocean?

Yes, most recently to the Pacific by way of the beautiful Skeena River Valley.

6. Have you ever worn a wig or a hairpiece?

When I was fourteen, I bought a long braid that perfectly matched my hair color. My friend (who now owns her own beauty salon), would spend hours styling my hair incorporating the braid every way imaginable. I probably looked ridiculous but I sure felt like a princess at the time!

7. If you were given a $100 gift certificate to a clothing store what would you buy?

I have a thing for nice jackets, so that's what it would go towards.

8. What sport would you like to become good at?

Figure skating

9. Your Grandfather left you a huge mounted Moose head in his will from a moose he had shot and killed himself. Would you keep, try to trade it for something else from the estate or sell it?

It would have the place of honor in hubby's den.

10. Would you attend a religious service (of a religion you are not associated with) just out of curiosity?

Out of curiosity, I would probably look it up online as opposed to attending a service where I am not familiar with customs, etc.

299. 27 Feb 2010 09:01



300. 27 Feb 2010 09:35


300!!!! well,they do keep us reminded of the 39 foot tsunami coming our way@!! (Like we want to remember)