Title: An Accurate Self-portrait Gone Wrong
created on 27 Dec 12

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. Rekid wrote:
 I'm working on it. =[
2. bayofquinte wrote:
 love the picture, and the title is amazingly witty....
3. Rekid wrote:
 =D Thanks. I got so inspired by the other users on ThinkDraw that I decided to make a realsitic looking self-portrait of myself. But I don't think it captures the real me. Maybe if I got hit by a bus numerous times, maybe.... =/ I don't know. Like I said,
4. Rekid wrote:
 Why does ThinkDraw keep cutting me off?? :[ Does it not have a scroll feature? Or a feature that lets you know how many characters you have left to type??
5. chelydra wrote:
 When a message is looking like it might run over, do a select-copy before you submit it, then paste it into the next message box, and trim off the beginning. Use ... to show continuity...
6. farout wrote:
 Soooo cool i can't wait to see your next one. :}
7. nancylee wrote:
 Really fun!
8. Lizzi wrote:
 ^_^I agree with BOQ.
9. mum23 wrote:
 Perfect title, and very cute in a goofy sort of way. Thanks for lots of faves on my pics and nice comments. Enjoy Thinkdraw... it's a wonderful community.
10. mum23 wrote:
 Just saw your question on my 1770 pic... it's in Australia.
11. Rekid wrote:
 Thanks. :) No prob! You're a really good artist! ^ ^
12. Rekid wrote:
 Oh cool. Thanks! I was wondering where that was. :/ But doubtful that I'll ever go if it's THAT far. :/ Oh well.

User: Rekid

Profile Picture for Rekid

Date joined: 17 Dec 2012

Number of pictures: 13

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 Top 5 December 12
 Top 5 January 13

 Christmas Holiday