Title: Bird
created on 20 Dec 12

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. indigo wrote:
 Little bluebird of happiness? Cute! ^J^
2. maddypatty wrote:
 love it
3. Rekid wrote:
 Thanks. :D
4. KJLavigne wrote:
 You're developing a lot of talent!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 When happy little bluebirds fly...♪ ^_^
6. Rekid wrote:
 :D Thanks! I'm trying. This is what I'm doing on my free time. Unfortunetly, I do not have a lot of time and my creativity only goes so far, but you guys' drawings go far beyond my creativity limit! Keep doing what you're doing! Your guys' drawings look G
7. Rekid wrote:
 'Sorry. I got cut off. The last word of that sentence is "GREAT!" Thinkdraw cuts me off after a while. :P Lol But yeah, I'm not gonna be on drawing for a while, so I just want to say, have a merry Christmas and a happy new year! :D
8. bayofquinte wrote:
 nice colors and composition!!!

User: Rekid

Profile Picture for Rekid

Date joined: 17 Dec 2012

Number of pictures: 13

Has a picture in:
 Top 5 December 12
 Top 5 January 13

 Christmas Holiday