Title: Baby Face interrupts golfing!
created on 16 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. Tim42 wrote:
 Baby Face: Dr.Bear! I know I'm not supposed to disturb you, when you're golfing, or in my head with a nurse, but I've overheard some things and need to know if there is a cure for Zombies.
2. Tim42 wrote:
 Dr.Bear: Zomboid-rigatosis, I believe it's properly called. Yes, there is a cure, but it's time consuming and dangerous. why do you ask?
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 I love the golf cap.
4. Baldur wrote:
 is his hearing THAT good?
5. Tim42 wrote:
 He can hear a fly fart in switzerland.
6. Tim42 wrote:
 Lizmeister compared Babyface to Ray Liotta on one of my pics and that got me thinking about who would play who in the movie

User: Tim42

Profile Picture for Tim42

Date joined: 16 Oct 2008

Number of pictures: 142

Has a picture in:
 Top 5 October 08

 Halloween 2008