Title: Embrace in the Brain Case
created on 09 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (11):
1. Tim42 wrote:
 Dr.Bear: Ursula!...You came to rescue me! Ursula: Doctor there is something strange happening with your patient!
2. Tim42 wrote:
 Dr.Bear: Never mind that, when I fell my life flashed before my eyes, and I realized what's truly important, "hugs" Ursula: oh...alfonso........
3. palmasbob wrote:
 This is'nt just funny, It's a very neat picture.
4. palmasbob wrote:
 What a place to make out, right by the spinal cord, they ought to move up to the cellebrum.
5. Tim42 wrote:
 This Cellebrates my 100th picture on ThinkDraw!
6. Tim42 wrote:
 What's more romantic then two bears making out in the head of a brain damaged man who is also making out? Funny how art imitates life.
7. Dragon wrote:
 Is embrace in the brain case anything like insane in the membrane?
8. puzzler wrote:
 Agree with palmabob - those little grey cells seem to be blushing a little.
9. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Tim you are warped in the best way! your comments crack me up and your art really impresses me! That actually looks like a brain. Are you a doctor, or maybe an anatomy professor with a minor in graphic arts?
10. Tim42 wrote:
 Dragon: yes...yes it is.
11. Tim42 wrote:
 Robindcr8l : Thank you so much for the compliments. It means a whole lot comming from an actual nurse, when your doing a series based on a hospital. Where do you work?

User: Tim42

Profile Picture for Tim42

Date joined: 16 Oct 2008

Number of pictures: 142

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 Top 5 October 08

 Halloween 2008