Title: Baron Bear Ball
created on 06 Dec 08

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Tim42 wrote:
 Umlaut leader of the Swiss Super Stratigic Sports S.w.a.t. , or SSSSS has captured the Baron and is playing voley ball while interagating him
2. Tim42 wrote:
 The SSSSS patrol switzerland and catch black marketeers with coo-coo clock hidden cameras, while playing all kinds of sports. Inspired by hxxhxx
3. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Seems like cruel and unbearlike punishment to use him as a volleyball! Isn't this against the Swiss-sponsored Geneva convention? How ironic!
4. Tim42 wrote:
 The SSSSS have to play sports, or do ballet, all the time.
5. Baldur wrote:
 Luckily the Baron had just locked the briefcase into his wallsafe, hidden behind his most valuable painting, 'Study in Graham cracker and Brownie' by Whistler.
6. Baldur wrote:
 He sent the combination to the only person he could completely trust.
7. Tim42 wrote:
 Dose that person also have a coo-coo clock with a hidden camera in it?
8. Baldur wrote:
 I hafta admit that the hidden cameras surprised even me, I wasn't privy to their existence
9. Tim42 wrote:
 Don' mess with the SSSSS
10. sheftali52 wrote:
 Baron Bear Ball? Beyond Belief!!

User: Tim42

Profile Picture for Tim42

Date joined: 16 Oct 2008

Number of pictures: 142

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 Top 5 October 08

 Halloween 2008