Title: X-mass Mary's OBGYN
created on 29 Nov 08

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. Tim42 wrote:
 Dr.Bear "Well all those tests I did conclude that Joseph is NOT the father.
2. Tim42 wrote:
 In the tradition of the little drummer boy and Nester the long eared donkey, I submit a new extraneous nativity character
3. Baldur wrote:
 Well if we weren't going to hell yet this should pretty much confirm our reservations
4. Baldur wrote:
 but actually it looks like a lady lounging poolside at the Olympics. With Dr Bear as a judge on the sidelines.
5. Baldur wrote:
 The little drummer boy always irked me. Here's a lady traveling cross country on a donkey in the ancient mideast, giving birth in a stable and having some little kid want to bang a drum near her newborn
6. Baldur wrote:
 I think that little kid would get his bottom kicked halfway across the desert
7. Scrivener wrote:
 Is the baby going to named Brian? In any event, I'm glad the pregnancy is ending soon; the healthy maternal glow appears to have been superceded by an unsightly bloat and water-retention problem!
8. Tim42 wrote:
 I just wanted an X-mass related picture
9. Jovi wrote:
 And here - silly me - I was wondering why a picture of a pregnant woman lounging pool-side was entered in the Winter, Holiday, Christmas, Hannukah, Kwansa, Solstice, X-mas, etc. showcase. Well, I'm still wondering... Okay, Dr. Bear ...
10. Tim42 wrote:
 Jovi: He's the virgin Mary's OBGYN. You have to read the title and first 2 comments

User: Tim42

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Date joined: 16 Oct 2008

Number of pictures: 142

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 Top 5 October 08

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