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Forums - General Discussion - Dry Sockets, Fluorescent Lights & Other Crazy Things

301. 5 Nov 2009 17:53


Solo, your comment about heating up the oxygen reminded me of this trick I learned as a kid. Take a saucer and fill it with some water. Then take a match and stick it in some chewed gum so you can stand it upright in the middle of the saucer. Light the match and put a glass over it. Soon, as the oxygen burns up, the vacuum is created and the water will suck up into the upside down glass! It's a very impressive simple trick to show to kids. And it totally illustrates what you were referring to with the cupping.

As for the money thing, I don't know for sure what I'd do or own if money was no object. I don't care about cars and wouldn't feel cozy in too big of a house, but travel would be nice, and only working when you WANT to work, not when you HAVE to. A housekeeper for SURE, and college for my boy.

302. 5 Nov 2009 17:58


Ooo, I WOULD have a live in masseuse! And custom made bras, I'm sure I'm not wearing the proper size but I can't afford the fancy bra shops so I just go with what I think is as close to right as possible. I'd also want to live somewhere that's warm year round. My inner Mexican cries every time it snows. No nannies for me, I'm not against them I'm just not planning on having kids and it seems silly to bring in help to watch the cats
I also want lots of ridiculously fast cars, though I'd need access to a closed course where I could really work them hard (what's the point of having a ridiculously fast car if you aren't going to drive it ridiculously fast).

303. 5 Nov 2009 17:59


Ooo, ya. Travel, I'd travel lots. Thx for reminding me Robin.

304. 5 Nov 2009 18:20


My mother uses the cupping technique to relieve achy muscles when her back is sore. It's quite common in Vietnam, and she does it herself...well my dad does it for her as she can't see or reach her own back. I remember watching them when I was little. She has a dozen or so baby food jars that she washed and saved. She sits upright on the bed. Nurse Dad takes a small wadded up piece of paper towel or other fast burning paper, lights it on fire, drops it in the baby food jar, and immediately puts it against her back while the paper is still burning. As the flame burns out, it creates a suction. Once all the jars are in place, my mom would lie down on the bed and relax for a bit before pulling the jars off. 32 years together and Dad has never once burned her, lol. She claims it works wonders, but it did leave red circles on her back for a day or two.

305. 5 Nov 2009 18:20


Ok, apparently I had not thought out the car thing. I'm with you Dragon a closed course and one really fast car!

I'm not a huge fan of travel but mostly because I see no point in traveling on a budget so...

Yeah, travel too;-)

306. 5 Nov 2009 18:23


I think we can definitively say it's the lack of oxygen making a vacuum!

Thanks to Robin and inked gemini for sharing those stories. I'd have spent hours looking for that on the internet. i'm a terrible searcher.

307. 5 Nov 2009 18:23


As for being filthy, stinking rich...I agree with Robin in that I wouldn't want a house too big or a car too flashy. But I think I'd have my own landscaper. I'd love to have a pretty lawn and flower bed and such, but my thumbs are far from green. I just don't have the patience or skill...or knowledge to grow pretty things. Even though I love them so.

308. 5 Nov 2009 18:38


If I had the money, I'd buy my mother's home and live there. I'd of course buy her a home as well but our home is the most comfortable place I've ever been. Not huge, just right. I'd add a pool and a small pool house/casita and a garage with extra space for a work area. We have enough land that that could be done without it feeling too crowded.

I might own a vacation home but I can't think of where...

My clients have houses that are ridiculous! I mean two washers and two dryers in a house where the vast majority of clothes go to the cleaners? Two dishwashers? I'll tell you, I've had them all going at once but really does anyone NEED all that? Nine TVs in a house where only 4 people live? Seven toilets and a bidet in a house with only four butts?

My clients did not build the house so I guess I cannot blame them but it is a little over the top.

309. 5 Nov 2009 18:38


Oooh, and I honestly think I would go for that laser hair removal thing so I'd never have to shave my legs again. Yup. Definitely.

310. 5 Nov 2009 19:01


Baldur would not get a housekeeper, oddly I've never minded doing that type of thing. Having someone underfoot would be annoying unless they were like house elves, and never seen.
I would truly love to have a quiet detached small building off in the woods that would serve as a place to be meditative. No wiring, no heat, just a vaulted ceiling with deep shady eaves outside, some stained glass and a glorious oriental carpet on the floor

311. 5 Nov 2009 19:03


I would also add more windows to my home and all sorts of extra insulation

312. 5 Nov 2009 19:04


Actually Baldur, I was thinking of hiring you as my handyman/landscaper if I had limitless income. Of course I know I'd have to live near you for that, I can't imagine you commuting to my tropical island every day.

313. 5 Nov 2009 19:09


Where did I leave my pith helmet?

314. 5 Nov 2009 19:46


Yeah, major hair removal, skin resurfacing, a little lipo, and a breast reduction and lift. Perhaps then I could buy a bra at a store and it would fit???

315. 5 Nov 2009 19:51


I'm not huge in proportion but big is just big, you know? When you are nearly six foot tall and healthy at 180 pounds (that's my goal weight) you don't look as out of proportion as say a five foot, 110 pound woman with and E cup but gravity doesn't see proportion, it just sucks.

316. 5 Nov 2009 19:53


Baldur said he was going to bed, I hope he doesn't check back in and get scared off forever!

I too am seeking my bed now. Goodnight ALL.

317. 5 Nov 2009 22:12


Funny, Dragon, I was thinking the same thing about hiring Baldur if my income was limitless. But I'd like him to be my personal chef. And my bead curtain decorator.

Solo, I have had a breast reduction and it is miraculous. I went into surgery with 90 yo boobs on a 40 yo body, and came out with 15yo boobs on a 40 yo body! I had almost instant relief of chronic neck pain, and surprisingly to me, lower back pain. I can shop in normal stores now for bras, shirts, and swimsuits. The recovery was easy, other than the restrictions which were difficult to stick to (like no reaching above my shoulders for I can't remember how many weeks.) Try getting a glass out of the cupboard without reaching up. But really, went in for surgery around 8am, and was home making dinner by 2. Covered by insurance due to my documented years of neck/ back pain which failed conservative measures.

318. 6 Nov 2009 07:35


Now that's interesting ... it wouldn't have occurred to me that if I had a bust reduction, I would get relief from neck and lower-back pain. As from today I'm saving ... where did I put the piggy-bank.

If I was rich, I would have my oversized garden landscaped. To the first-time viewer it looks OK, but it will take a younger, fitter person than me to get it as I want it. Another good reason for finding the piggy-bank.

319. 6 Nov 2009 12:08


LOL at the thought of Login's breast reduction/landscaping fund in the making!

320. 6 Nov 2009 12:20


If I was rich, I'd live in a trailor, buy myself some contacts, buy as many cats as I could carry out of the humane society, a maid to clean up after them (baldur), and probably a couple riding horses. Maybe 80 acres of land to ride them to.