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Forums - General Discussion - Day and Night

161. 5 May 2012 10:14



If someone doesnt accept intolerance, ... is this an act of tolerance or intolerance?

162. 5 May 2012 15:53


*** This post has been removed at the request of our users. ***

163. 8 May 2012 11:41


Hope you are well sandm and that you request TD remove the above uncalled for comment! I for one enjoyed our exchanges and wish you and all TDers the very best at this most outstanding forum!

164. 10 May 2012 03:49


Thank you for the removal of comment no 162. But I dont know why the comments on my pictures of the same person, esp. of May 5th are still remaining.
Aber die Botschaft habe ich verstanden.

165. 10 May 2012 07:31


Sandm send Rachael an email by clicking on Feedback. Ask her to remove the offensive remarks from your pictures as well as from the comment section on your profile. Please do not let the behavior of one person intimidate you and keep you from enjoying the majority of artists in this wonderful community who are kind and thoughtful. If you leave, let it be your own decision. Don't allow the comments of one mentally and emotionally unstable individual set the standard by which you determine the value of your contributions.

166. 10 May 2012 10:04


Hazer, that has absolutely nothing to do with "this one person", but with the way and manner "TD" is dealing with it. I dont want to send an "email to Rachel". The comment in the channel has been deleted, why not the others in the picture. If it couldnt be done, or couldnt be done without great effort, I would have accepted such an answer, but I havent even got a message. These are the standards of TD, and not of one single person. And these standards are highly creative, in the case, when they wanted ME something to do.
I gave my statement some days before and I announced MY decision. There are facts, I can accept and others I cant and I dont want to.

167. 10 May 2012 10:06


Und da es nicht meine Spielwiese ist, spiel ich nicht mehr mit.

168. 10 May 2012 10:13


Und eine Antwort an "die Kleinen". Auch Valerie hat, sobald sie einen Schwamm, ein Tuch, einen Besen, die Mistschaufel, was auch immer handhaben konnte und das können Kinder schon mit ca. 3 Jahren oder sogar früher, IMMER alles,was umgestoßen, ausgeschüttet wurde, runtergefallen ist etc, etc. SELBER wegputzen müssen. Ich habe darüber nie geschimpft und sie musste sich auch nie entschuldigen. Aber sie wusste, was zu tun ist.

169. 10 May 2012 10:19


Ich mache hier keinen Job der Kindererziehung, .... aber manches hier erinnert mich an Kinder, die sagen: "Und wenn du mir die Jause herrichtest musst du auf einem Bein stehen, dann werde ich sie essen.

170. 10 May 2012 10:46


Wenn die Wertschätzung meiner Bilder darin besteht, dass ich KEINE Spielfigur bin, dann führt es zwangsweise zu "einem Konflikt", wenn ich nur als solche behandelt werde.
Mir ist es nicht so wichtig, ob die Bilder hier sind, oder nicht.

171. 10 May 2012 10:59


Aber es gibt offenbar eine unterschiedliche Auffassung von Toleranz. Ich toleriere "die Regeln" hier, aber ich akzeptiere sie nicht, in diesem Anlassfall nicht. Und dann gibt es wohl nur eine Conclusio.

172. 10 May 2012 11:47


"A single candle lessens the darkness of a large auditorium - but no amount of darkness can extinguish the flickering flame. Even if the darkness were expanded, it would have no effect on the candle`s radiance."

173. 12 May 2012 08:49


This is a comment on my pic "dialing God" and I want to keep it:

6. minime2767 wrote:
Amen! Well said Sandm! Just as Buddha says too:-All that we are is the result of what we have thought. It is founded on our thoughts. It is made up of our thoughts. If one speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows one, as the wheel follows the foo
7. minime2767 wrote:
foot of the ox that draws the wagon!

174. 12 May 2012 10:03


"Wenn Du liebst, verändert sich die Welt. Wir sind verantwortlich für alles, was in der Welt geschieht. Mit der Kraft unserer Liebe und mit unserem Willen können wir unser Schicksal und das vieler anderer verändern." (Paulo Coelho)

175. 12 May 2012 10:24


From a former picture
The key is to get the mastery of your thoughts (and beliefs). YOU must say "stop" to come out of the windmill. Imagine a white flower, just above of your head. Then imagine, how it is looking like, perhaps a rose..
At each time, the windmill is working, you do this. The first step is to be aware of the windmill, that is the important point. Then you say stop and your attention is above your head.
You `ve made yourself an inner "sentence of belief" (of living in the "shadow")and other things and everytime when you did a great "step forward" into bright light, the other day subsequently you got a "crisis".
This is because such sentences live in your subconsiousness and in this sense they are "real". And this part then says, hey there is something wrong, cant be light, "we" decided for darkness and ....splat and big roll-back.
To get rid of this all, you`ve to cancel some contracts and examine your "beliefs". The way of putting "sentences into the subconciousness" is the same, in both cases. That means you replace the old ones by the new.
But: It is important, that you really can believe it BY YOURSELF and: that the new ones are YOURS and not "foreign rules".
In the past Ive been in circumstances, where I couldnt find a place "to stand for myself" - nowhere - and fighting one against many - for a long time. This makes one believe ....
But it still is in ones own ! "hand" what you believe or not. YOU make the decision. Remaining in pain (and passing the power upon your life to "others") or deciding for your own life and make it YOUR own. Then listen to your heart. Slowly its starting to speak.
And then make your own new vision (and sentences).

176. 12 May 2012 12:06


Es sind jetzt 42 ! Bilder hier und die müssen bleiben.

177. 12 May 2012 12:15


Der Channel hier, ist ja "erfolgreich behandelt" worden, im Gegensatz zu den Bildern.
Ich kenne hier keinen Kommentar zum Profil - und wenn - also dort wäre es wirklich egal!

178. 12 May 2012 12:18


" well as from the comment section on your profile"

Nun, ich meinte diesen Satz von "Hazer"

179. 12 May 2012 13:36


A short statement, which I didnt want to post in "doldrums":

Vor ein paar Tagen sind alte Narben aus der Kindheit, die längst verheilt und kaum mehr zu sehen waren, wieder aufgebrochen. Das ist aber nur die Auswirkung und nicht "das Problem", das jetzt gelöst ist. Es gab so viele "eigenartige" Effekte in den letzten Monaten, die hier nicht genannt werden müssen. So manche scheinbare Überreaktionen waren Manöver, um Dinge ins Lot zu bringen...

180. 12 May 2012 13:59


For now I`ll keep this channel, when it is possible. There is so much "part of myself" - accumulating over the time. Maybe I`ll use it in a different way.