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121. 29 Mar 2012 04:03


Unconditional Love

Loving our neighbors- or our enemies, for that matter - has nothing at all to do with morals or ethics. Rather, Kabbalah teaches that love is a formidable weapon in furthering our own cause in life, which is simply to gain true joy and fulfillment. In other word, we benefit.

Love is a weapon of Light, and it has the power to eradicate all forms of darkness. Thtat is the key. When we offer love even to our enemies, we destroy their darkness and hatred - which is the reason they became our enemies in the first place. What´s more, we cast out the darkness inside ourselves. What`s left are two souls who now recognize the spark of divinity they both share.

This Name also awakens love for our spouse, friends, family, and self. After all, we can share only what we possess. Thus, we cannot love our neighbour our our spouse, if we kont possess a love for our own self. Use this Name to dissolve animosity and bitterness that might arise after an argument with loved ones.

Like attracts like! By emulating the Creator`s unconditional love for all humankind, you bring love into your own life. You create harmony between yourself and other people, and between humanity and the natural world.

("The 72 names of God", Yehuda Berg)

122. 1 Apr 2012 12:58


Es ist ein "spirituelles Gesetz", dass "man" alles so oft vorgelegt bekommt, bis es gelöst ist. Das kann manchmal auch aus div. Vorleben stammen. Es ist allerdinga nicht notwendig, sich diese vergangenen Leben anzuschauen, da das, was offen ist, und zu lösen ist, sich dann ohnehin in diesem Leben in den passenden Begleitumständen manifestiert. (Das "man" sind wir selbst, uzw. der Teil jedes Einzelnen, der nicht "in der Schwerkraft" lebt. ) Es ist wie in der Schule - naja in einer guten Schule - die Aufgabe kommt immer wieder und wird so lange geübt, bis sie gelöst und der Stoff gelernt ist. Dann gibt es einen Schritt weiter in der Menschenheits-Entwicklung

Diese Last, die wir mitschleppen (den Vergleich mit dem Karren, der dem Pferd, Ochsen folgt hab ich hier schon zweimal gefunden), das ist diese Aufgabe aber der "Karren" löst sich auf, wenn sie gelöst ist. Der Karren, das sind die alten Gedankenformen, es sich feinstoffliche Formen, und manche können sie sehen, lesesn. Ich nicht, aber manchmal kann ich die verschiedenen Energien, die sie enthalten, spüren.

123. 1 Apr 2012 13:41


Diese Gedanken-Formen sind von uns produziert worden (ev. eben auch in einem früheren Leben) und "warten" auf ihre Auflösung. So lange sind sie bei uns oder kehren zurück, unabhängig von Ort und Zeit. (In dem Film "Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier" wird das sehr anschaulich abgehandelt.).

Aber wird SIND NICHT diese Gedankenformen. Wenn wir die Rolle des Zeugen, des Beobachters einnehmen, werden nach kürzester Zeit die nicht mehr genährten Gedankenformen aufhoren. Aber wir müssen hinsehen. Wir nehmen es mit, wenn wir davonlaufen. Es ist da, damit wir geheilt werden. Wenn eine unverheilte Wunden offen geblieben ist treffen wir auf Personen und Umstände, die es ermöglichen die Aufgabe zu Ende zu bringen, ganz gleich, ob wir dabei die Rolle des Täters oder des Opfers gespielt haben.

124. 1 Apr 2012 13:53


Wenn wir uns schuldig fühlen und uns auf verschiedene Weise selber bestrafen wird immer wieder dasselbe produziert. Das ist eine Falle, in die wir so leicht tappen. Keine oder nicht genug Liebe für uns selbst aufzubringen und uns auf diese Weise daran hindern einen Schritt "höher" zu steigen.

125. 5 Apr 2012 09:09


„We appear to be distinctly separate individuals with different shapes, sizes, and circumstances, but in reality, we are all part of a greater wholeness or „oneness“. This is discussed in greater detail in “the Holographic Universe “ by Michael Talbot, which explores the research of the quantum physicist, David Bohm and neurophysiologist Karl Pribram who, unaware of each other`s work, had come to the same conclusion about the holographic nature of the universe and the brain. “Our brain mathematically construct reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.”

Each of us contains the “whole”, we don’t actually have to try to be creative, we are by nature creative and creating all the time in one form or another. As in a holographic picture, the whole image still remains in every tiny piece, the same is said to be true of us as part of the holographic universe. We are an inseparable part of the infinite creative whole we call God, Love, our Higher Power, Cosmic Consciousness, The Universe. And, if “God is love” and love is the fabric of the universe, then love is the epitome of creativity: limitless, boundless and infinite in its diversity. .
We are that creativity. We are the love that we aspire to be and we must understand that it is not found outside of ourselves but is our own true nature. We connect with that infinite whole by referring back to the Divinity within ourselves, knowing, that the Devine love within us IS the power, the light, the driving force behind creativity.”

(The Spirit of Creativity, Joseph Curiale)

126. 5 Apr 2012 09:11


And I want to add:

In this sense, the act of creation is not only a matter of arts, but the “heartbeat” of a vivid life. WE are the creators of our life, in every single moment. When we are aware of this truth, we create a bright, strong power, where no past can exist.

127. 5 Apr 2012 09:49


Day and night, very powerful and thought provoking! I have only had time to read about 1/4 so far. Look forward to spending more time here in the future! Best Regards AFSOUTH

128. 5 Apr 2012 13:23


Gesichtsnervenlähmung (Fazialisparese)

Körperebene: Gesicht (Visitenkarte, Individualität, Wahrnehmung) Nervus fascialis (Stimmung, Identität)

Symptomebene: Verriss in einer tieferen Wesensschicht: „Es verreißt einem das Gesicht“, die zwei Gesichter eines Menschen werden offenkundig. Einseitigkeit wird offenbar, die (äußere) Fassade bricht zusammen, die Maske (Mimik) gerät außer Kontrolle; man kann sein Gesicht nicht mehr wahren, sein wahres Gesicht (Grimasse, Fratze) zeigen; Zerrissenheit der Seele, „zwei Seelen in einer Brust“, sich schlagartig hängen lassen, heruntergekommene (Schatten)-Seite tritt in den Vordergrund, Sehnsucht nach der dunkleren Persönlichkeitsseite, Gegenpol zum „Keep smiling“.

Bearbeitung: Sich auf seiner anderen Seite berühren/treffen lassen, die andere, bisher verborgene Seite konfrontieren, Einseitigkeiten entdecken und bearbeiten, je nachdem, welche Seite betroffen ist, sich mit dem dunklen weiblichen (links) oder dem dunklen männlichen Pol (rechts) auseinandersetzen, sich öfter hängenlassen und die andere Seite des eigenen Wesens hervorkehren, den Rückzugstendenzen nachgeben und sich der Entspannung und Ruhe hingeben. Selbstkontrolle und Zusammenreißen immer wieder aufgeben, bevor es einem die Fassade (das Gesicht) verreißt, zu seiner Gespaltenheit stehen, die Maske freiwillig fallenlassen, sich die Resignation von Teilen des eigenen Wesens eingestehen, statt sich immer zusammenzureißen und bevor es einem verreißt, sich hängenlassen und ausruhen.

Einlösung: Offene Darstellung des eigenen Wesens hinter der Fassade, den beiden Seiten des eigenen Wesens gerecht werden, die Mitte zwischen Anspannung und Entspannung in sich finden, wieder lachen und weinen, streiten und sich versöhnen, das lachende Gesicht des Harlekins, der, mitten in der Polarität stehend, als ausgewiesener Außenseiter NICHT AN NORMEN ORIENTIERT UND AN KEINER FASSADE INTERESSIERT IST:

Erläuterungen zur Symbolik:

Nur wenn wir krank sind, werden wir gefragt, was uns fehlt. Nur dann also können wir Fehlendes ausfindig machen und, wenn wir es finden, in unser Leben integrieren. Schon von daher wird Krankheit zur Chance. Und jeder „Fehler“, der zur Integration eines fehlenden Seelenanteiles führt, ist ein Schritt auf dem Weg zum Heilwerden.

Im Krankheitsbild verkörpert sich ein ins Unbewusste gesunkenes Urprinzip in unerlöster Form. Aus diesen Schattenthemen lassen sich sowohl die betroffenen Urprinzipien erkennen, als auch Möglichkeiten finden, daraus positive Entwicklungsschritte abzuleiten.

Die Spalte „Einlösung“ zielt auf die Möglichkeit, eine andere, erlöste Ebene zu finden auf der sich die archetypisch selbe Energie leben lässt, ohne körperliche Abläufe zu stören und dem eigenen Lebensthema näherzukommen.
Die Spalte „Bearbeitung“ liefert Hinweise, wie man sich dem im Krankheitsbild verborgenen Thema sinnvoll nähert.
(Ruediger Dahlke: „Krankheit als Symbol“)

129. 6 Apr 2012 04:42


Mein Karfreitagsgebet

Und so bete ich für seine Heilung.
Lass ihn wieder ganz werden,
um der zu sein, der er ist,
abseits aller Schemata, Rollen und
Lass ihn auferstehen,
in der Fülle seiner Farben und
im ruhigen Glanz seines warmen Herzens.

130. 6 Apr 2012 09:17


Hi sandm! Please what is it that you see in my art & comments that causes you to refer to my present troubles?

131. 6 Apr 2012 12:59


Hi AFSOUTH! There isnt an easy response to your question, because it iis not (only) in your art. Most of what I can see, is what I feel by heart. And sometimes I cant find the words to express it properly. So I`ll try in short:
I see great steps of healing, changes, but I cant see your troubles clearly. There are still some and I guess it is about your past, which sometimes is disturbing your sleep.
I`ll try to give you a better answer, as soon as I can (ev. tomorrow or in a few days). My heart is with you.

132. 6 Apr 2012 19:19


Hi sandm! I truly do look forward to your comments! Please don't put it at the top of your priorty pile! I have a lot going on but I do look forward to getting through day and night to date in the next couple of weeks. I do enjoy exchange of ideas but please note at any time one of my other interest or business can quickly draw me away for any length of time! Respectfully AFSOUTH

133. 7 Apr 2012 11:31


Hi AFSOUTH! Of course, I know! Glad to hear that you are busy in business. Work, which we like doing, is a wonderful "medicine" and a real source of joy.

134. 7 Apr 2012 12:54



Yesterday, after I have written the note above, I again read my comment on your „Dustoff battle“ and then I could see .... maybe I have caused a misunderstanding. When I have said, that I now can understand your “troubles” at this time, I meant the time, you described in your report and NOT the present !! (so it should be correctly “that” time, and not ”this” time… must have missed the 1st lesson in English, sorry!).
And as I know how awful that time has been, - bc of your description! - it is just as if Ive seen it too:) - namely there were MORE than troubles, I didn’t want to stress it out again, by the wording, so I only said ”troubles”.
Words can be a trigger (for flashbacks), esp. when used in a single sentence without sufficient other context and I wanted to avoid such an effect. I don’t do this by rational reason, but more intuitively. (So we can replace “troubles at this time” by your story itself….. ok, German sometimes is more difficult:)

But what I now can understand was your description of the three men in the cave. Actually, I know the story, but from a very different view. And I didn’t know about three men and their bad condition - at that! time - and later on, when I ve heard that they were three, I only got a clue who they have been. So you can see, I still don’t know so much. However, I am very glad !!! that there have been many important acts for survival and that you have told about it. (There will come the time, when I`ll give you my report of a battle.)

Now, to your question again. Its good to speak about the present, therefore it is not important if there has ev. been the above misunderstanding or not, and my first answer Ive given, on what I can see now, is true in any case.

And as the real important matters are simple:
What I have seen in your pictures at first, is a very big - wounded - heart!
I DO NOT see any NEW present troubles! (That really would be a misunderstanding). I can see great success of healing, not yet finished, but on the way!! And slowly, I can SEE YOU on this way, in our dimension of gravitiy. This sounds a bit strange, but I think you know, what I mean. What I can see too, is a hiding man, and I think this is a result of all these OLD troubles, bc it takes some time to leave the "convoy" (hope this is the correct English word).

There are many veterans, suffering from a post traumatisation, you mentioned the years 1969 and 1970. I know a lot of this matter (involuntarily) and Ive seen and experienced, what it is able to cause! But what I did not understand in your reports is the fact about the P.S.O. and the 101st airborn division.
Here on “Day and night channel” one can find a lot of content on the “creation process” and its importance for human life. In particular, it is of great importance for such wounded persons, WHAT they create, in their mind, in their pictures, in every kind of expression! If these own creations are of the same "form of energy" as the "enemy-forces" they only increase theire power.

I avoid the interpreting or analyzing of the pictures in TD. I tried to do it, when I wanted to get to know more about these men in the battle, but soon I stopped doing this, bc it must end in a circle of disaster for me. On the other hand it is obvious, that a picture transmits a “fluid of energy” and it sometimes is difficult for me, not to feel. So I can see “ups and downs” in TD in general, and a steady increasing trend towards a beautiful syntonic and harmonic sound. Esp. the ups and downs are getting much more softer.

(I could tell more on - what do I see in TD ? - but it is another "story", and I`d need a very silent time to this.)

Finally, I want to say, that sometimes it is not possible for me to write a comment or an answer at once, or when I would like to respond. There are a lot of problems for me bc of the construction next to my home, and I often need a “silent” time for doing this.

Wish you a very Happy Easter! My heart is with you.

PS: The whole purpose of the Day and night channel is to give “food for thoughts”. Therefore, my main intention is to be understandable. So, if not, please tell me, any kind of feedback is appreciated!

135. 7 Apr 2012 22:43


Hi sandm! I get it! Loud and clear! Please forgive my misinterpretation! I do try to communicate well but I do most of my TD'ing after a long day to relax before calling it a night! This unfortunatly impacts my comments, understanding and art. Depending on how late it is and like I have seen many TD'ers comment once we get here on TD a plan to spend 20 or 30 min. can easily turn into hours! I do work for a proper balance and I also plan to add spell check soon! I really had to ponder as to whether I should post my poem's on TD, if it was a proper place to do so! In the end it is part of my art and then like any fornm, a couple comments and questions and it had a life of it's own! I am very passionate about all good souls that protect and defend good for humanity! Have a Happy Easter AFSOUTH

136. 9 Apr 2012 02:32


Hi AFSOUTH, I really would like to see your poems here on TD, for the reasons you`ve already mentioned. I love your pictures and poems, and if they "belong together" it`s a real pleasure! I remember this challenge here - have forgotten the name, but you know, which I mean.
When I am writing a comment in the channel I now - usually - do it in Word, using the spelling funciton and then copy it here in. (But just now I did not, and all what you re reading now is the "second attempt" bc somehow I pressed a wrong button and TD was gone.) So I am going to save it in parts.

137. 9 Apr 2012 02:43


I want to tell you that your Dustoff story and your personal words !! have been very important for me, bc they have built "a ground under my feet" in this matter. You know, I would like to hear more about the two men in the bodybag or now ? the one man, whereever he is, hopefully in the body:) - but it only does work, if you`re able to speak about it.
I know this state and feeling of "speechlessness" - and it has its "good reason". When I am not able to find the right words (and sometimes that happens to me here) then it is a sign of not to be "in the center", in the middle, not to be in synchronicity to oneself.

138. 9 Apr 2012 02:45


That should read "synchronization"

139. 9 Apr 2012 03:12


And in such a state, it always (mostly) is better to wait before speaking. And - at the right time - it comes out "by itself" easily.
When I remember, what Ive been able to tell here, I never would have believed it before and moreover, under these "special circumstances" I would have thought it to be absolutely impossible!! But I did:) And you too! More in pictures, but sometimes they are the better communication tool. Obviously, your part of communication is the more difficult one (and mainly I mean the aspect of the family). Now, when I look on what already has happened and has been done, absolutely nobody would believe it and I always must smile - and there is nobody, who should know it too. Maybe in some years, if you`d write a story and want to tell it to others.

140. 9 Apr 2012 19:19


Hi sandm! I updated a clarification on My Poem's. Respecfully AFSOUTH