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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

141. 7 Aug 2009 20:53


So sorry for the lost of your mom Matthew.

142. 9 Oct 2009 17:06


I'm asking anyone with good thoughts and prayers to send them to my nephew, Kai, who overdosed this week in his college dorm room. Don't have all the details, but alcohol and pills, and not intentional ... at least not consciously. Also prayers for my brother, Matt, who has paranoid schizophrenia. He has been making good progress, but two steps forward and one back ... threatening to burn our Dad's house down and all kinds of other wacky things. Don't think he'll do this, but he's done other things so the medical team has been alerted and went out to assess today. So far, seems okay ... and hey, while I'm asking, I'm having a hard time with this too. Mercifully, I've got a lot of supportive people around me. Thanks!

143. 9 Oct 2009 19:24


Marius, so sorry for your struggles with your family. Why don't you come on over and have a glass of wine? We could rent a movie and drink wine and eat popcorn. Might take your mind off things. It's probably only a 1500 mile drive or so. Really, though, my thoughts are with you.

144. 10 Oct 2009 05:02


Aw Robin, you're so sweet. That sounds exactly like what I need. And, the 1500 mile drive actually sounds lovely and soothing! I drove to Oregon in 1972 and we went through Boise. It was astonishingly beautiful in that part of Idaho ... and all the way into Oregon too.

Last night was just a whiny and weepy time, stuff gets to me. The nephew who would have died had kids at dorm not called 911, was released from hospital and first thing parents did was take him shopping - long story, but he did need clothes. My sister said, "That's great - the kid got rewarded for bad behavior." Um? It's bad behavior to almost kill yourself? I'm thinking it's something else entirely.

Then, dear friend, terminal illness, in hospital, called to say they are recommending surgery to stop internal bleeding. Why they would recommend this when they've refused to remove tumor from her back because her lungs, heart can't survive another surgery, I don't know. Bottom line, no matter what they do, she will die. I'm wondering if reason she is considering this surgery is because she wants to die. She's been in pain a long time. Meanwhile my brother is talking about burning down houses and you can see ... a bit much. And, spouse, who is wonderful helping me refocus when life gets to be a bit much, had his own thing last night when his sister called crying. Their aunt, who was like a Mom to both of them, died.

Yep - I need to be around some happiness and, tender mercies, have plans for that today. And, if I have time I will just swing by for that glass (or two) of wine, popcorn (which I adore) and lots of good cheer too!

Anyway, it's morning, the sun is shining, I'm gonna do yoga and count blessings. There are always blessings. For one, I am breathing today. Always a blessing when you can breathe! (giggle)

Have a great day, Robin, and many thanks for your kind words!
They started my day with a smile! Another blessing! Yippee! Oh, and my back which went out earlier in the week is nicely on the mend. Yippee again! : )

145. 20 Oct 2009 13:35


This may seem trite, but please pray for my sanity in these next few weeks with wedding planning. The big day is November 7th! There are so many little details that are still left to do.

Also, thank you all for praying for me in the past. I really feel like I've regained God's strength.

146. 20 Oct 2009 14:22


I hope all goes well for you, cutegirl.

marius, you are a tower of strength. Crisis after crisis would make many fall apart. Hang in there and have that glass of wine (or two) with friends. I have nothing but admiration and respect for you.

147. 20 Oct 2009 17:21


cutegirl, long time ago took a class about stress reduction. Learned that there is a good kind of stress. It's called "eustress." (Spelling could be wrong on that.) Marriage is eustress ... so your desire for prayers and good wishes at this time is not at all trite!

Hope you'll share about your special day. We got married nine years ago and still talk about our wedding day - it was that wonderful! Wishing the same and more for you!

148. 20 Oct 2009 17:24


Login - such sweet words. Thanks, and much admiration and respect right back to you! ...and tee hee hee ... still laughing about what you wrote in another thread today. You are funny!!!!

149. 4 Nov 2009 16:27


3 more days Cute... I can't for the life of me understand why you don't have time to draw here all day... Surely you don't have much to do...

Again, you have my prayers & my joy for you... I am sure he is a wonderful man...

150. 4 Nov 2009 16:28


This is my request. Dear Lord, I just pray that my problem will end soon. (You know what I mean!)

151. 4 Nov 2009 16:32


maddyjean08 I hope and pray that God will answer your prayer and help you with your problem whatever it is.
I also have my own prayer request, my grandmother is trying to get a kidney transplant and isn't doing very well, my whole family needs prayers to get through this

152. 4 Nov 2009 16:34


Jocelyn, What do you call your grandmother?

153. 4 Nov 2009 16:35


Grandma, most of the time Gramms sometimes.

154. 4 Nov 2009 16:35


I will pray for your grandmother. But first, answer my question. Is your name "jocelyn"?

155. 4 Nov 2009 16:38


I did answer that question, yes my name is Jocelyn

156. 4 Nov 2009 16:43


Grandmas are wonderful... They are full of love & cookies

It sounds like a stressful time for all of you... Just remember that God has plans for each of us, is always there & guides us in the right direction...

May God comfort each of you during this trial & just maybe... bring you each some time of joy... You included...

157. 4 Nov 2009 16:45


I love God....

158. 4 Nov 2009 16:47


Thanks matthew. My Grandma hasn't baked cookies in a long time, but I am always hoping and trusting.

159. 4 Nov 2009 17:39


Will keep you all in prayer.

160. 11 Nov 2009 12:06


My grandma got denied a transplant.