Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

101. 20 May 2009 09:08


Cutegrl~If you saw my comment on pic 'how you're feeling', you know you are already in my prayers. I don't want you to think that no comment HERE means none of us care~ it is probably more like 'we don't know what to say'! Nothing to say really, except no one should have to go through that!! I am glad you get counseling, & are facing it before your marriage. Your faith is strong, & God will restore you. With loving concern, lynn

102. 20 May 2009 09:28


Some say, be strong. ... But we have no strength... God is our strength... God does not give us more than we can bare... With God's strength holding us up, we can run & not grow weary...
Truely place your burdens at God's feet... Give them away... He will bare your sorrows & he will bare your pain... He told us so... but you MUST give it to him and let go...
The pain you feel is real & is something you can hold onto... Holding on to it may feel like a sanctuary. Something that you can focus your anger & struggle on... But it is a prison that satan will bind you with.

ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD... It is sometimes hard to believe that good can come out of terrible things... But God knows the outcome of ALL things... You can muster up all your power to try to make it all right, or trust that God already has... We don't have to know how it all works out BECAUSE we have a God that loves us & wants the best for us...

Trust him... Trust him... Trust him...

103. 20 May 2009 14:51


I am an Intercessor. I am in!

104. 22 May 2009 13:55


Cute, I have an insight for you, but no em listed. It's not appropriate to write it here.

105. 26 May 2009 07:26


Sorry, I'm not understanding...

106. 26 May 2009 13:08


Cutegrl~I believe Angela has a private message/prayer for you. If you would like for her to send you a private email, you need to give her your email address. This is up to you, you do not have to if you feel uncomfortable giving your address. I would leave her a message on one of her pics maybe, so she'll see it. Hope things are moving along for you, healing will come!

107. 26 May 2009 14:31


Cutegrl289-What a cross to bear all by yourself. You must be in a lot of pain right now. You're doing the right thing in getting help. Healing will come but you'll always have the scar. You will heal. God bless you and hang in there, the sun will shine again.

108. 6 Jul 2009 00:21


Yesterday I went looking for arty, because I hadn't seen her around for several weeks. This morning I received a reply from her. I know from her profile that she believes in the strength of prayer. Perhaps those who are like minded can give her a hand here. This was her message:
arty wrote:
Dear Login Thank you so much for thinking about me. I'm afraid things are not going well with us. My husband has been in I.C.U. for three weeks on a life support machine. He had an operation for clots on the brain, then took a seizure, and now pneumonia. The brain seems to have settled but the pneumonia is the battle. Your message just lifted me up as I am feeling quite depressed this morning. God bless and thanks.

109. 6 Jul 2009 11:52


Login, will you please convey to Arty my wishes that her husband get well. Also, that she has the strength to bear this pain. I know what she's going through, it's painful. Will you do that? She'll be in my prayers and thoughts.

110. 6 Jul 2009 12:45


I'll ask her to read this thread. Thanks for responding, km.

111. 6 Jul 2009 16:22


Arty, I pray for a recovery, for your dear husband. Also may the Good Lord keep you strong at your time of need, as we feel so helpless. You and your family are in my prayers.

112. 8 Jul 2009 18:45


Just found this topic and read it all. Am adding prayers and well wishes for all. Right now I have a friend, 59, dying from a termianl illness. I have the job of emailing everyone whenever Brenda is rushed to the hospital, which is more and more frequent. Anyway, after emailing prayer requests to our group for about nine months, some lady emailed back and said she didn't know me or Brenda but has been praying for Bren anyway. The lady belongs to a group who call themselves the Prayer Warriors and she told me she did not think it was an accident that I somehow got her email address and that she has had everyone praying for Brenda. And about Bren - the doctors do not understand why she is still alive - she has been clinically dead twice in the past 18 months. So thanks to any of you who'd like to add your prayers for Brenda. She is Eastern Band Cherokee from North Carolina and participates in religious ceremony in a Christian Church and also in her traditional native ways. She is in very much pain and the medications wreak havoc with her moods. Thanks for starting this post cutegirl! : )

My favorite quote I try to remember during hard times comes from Mother Teresa. She said, "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish he didn't trust me so much."

My favorite Mother Teresa quote helps me all the time. She supposedly said, "I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much."

113. 8 Jul 2009 18:47


And .... guess I had to write that quote twice to get it in my head! : )

114. 8 Jul 2009 19:13


marius - I have never heard all of that quote, only "God does not give you more than you can handle", I like the one you mentioned. How true that is!

115. 9 Jul 2009 02:13


My Dear Dear friends, I have just read your message and am blinded by tears. Who could have imagined that such a site as " thinkdraw" would become a place where people cared so much and gave each other such hope? Indeed the Lord works EVERYWHERE. My son and daughter are also touched by all your prayers and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Today there has been a slight improvement in my husband Tom's pneumonia, and we are praying this may be a turning point. may God bless you all.

116. 9 Jul 2009 03:32


Arty I also want to tell you I hope your husband gets better and can be soon with you and your family.

117. 9 Jul 2009 04:35


Arty, it's great to hear your husband is responding to treatment and pneumonia may be going away! Prayers for his full recovery, and for all his loved ones and care-givers, are on-going.

And, cutegirl, my problems were not the same as yours, but short version - two therapists said most people with my background would have
"suicided." They wanted to know why I didn't and the only answer I have is prayers answered, and some hard work too. The point is that it does get better, very much better. Again - thank you all for love and prayers on TD! Apparently art IS a healing medium! : )

118. 9 Jul 2009 13:49


I just read through this post today for the first time in a while. Sorry, I've been MIA... there's been so much going on!

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. I certainly am in the healing stages as I continue my counseling sessions. I've also started a new job and I'm so excited about it! It's going really well so far but I don't have any time for TD stuff while I'm here Also, my fiance just found out he will be a permanent employee (he's on a contract right now) by August 1. This is such great news for him because he can finally start to get vacation time, health insurance, etc. God has definitely brought us through a lot in the past year or so and I feel like we are headed out of the valley.

Arty, I'm sorry to hear about your husband's health. I pray for his continued recovery and strength as well as you and the rest of your family.

Here is an update on Matthew's mom as well for those of you who are interested:

Cancer in liver, pancreas & abdomin = GONE...
Cancer in breast, lungs & brain = GREATLY REDUCED
Cancer in bones = SLIGHT REDUCTION

She is now struggling to get her mind back 'cause she had come to terms with the fact that she was going to die soon... Now she will be with us a while & she has to face life again... It is an odd struggle to say the least...

God is amazing and NOTHING is beyond His abilities! So many times we take Him for granted and do not give Him His due credit for everything He has done for us. I know I've fallen into this cycle and sometimes I need a wake-up call to get me back on track. There's a beautiful song by Casting Crowns titled "Praise You in This Storm". Watch this YouTube video and listen to the words. It will move your heart.

119. 10 Jul 2009 05:25


cutegirl - what great news you had to share! Also liked the youtube -Thanks for sharing and the update. So happy for you and your finace.

And, I don't know what Matthew and family are going through, (it's so individual) but my prayers are with him and for that matter, with all of us. My friend Brenda has also had to learn to "face life again" - several times now. It IS "an odd struggle." It is new and uncomfortable 'territory' and can't say I've dealt with it all that well. However, Brenda's faith and spirit are remarkable.

Yesterday she was in a lot of pain and she said, "But let's not talk about THAT! Tell me a funny story, I feel like having a good laugh." And, she got to laughing and so did I. That's how she is - making us all laugh and enjoy our times together no matter what.

And, if it will help in prayers for her, here's her situation -14 yrs ago she got Legionnaire's disease from water that collected in an air conditioning unit where she worked. She never had full recovery. Eventually part of her lung had to be removed. Lung capacity diminished so much that she could not breathe without taking steroids. She has been on steroids so long now that they are causing numerous adverse effects. Her heart has been compromised and because of her age and condition of major organs, tranplants are out of the question. The steriods have caused osteoporosis such that the spine is collapsing and now a tumor is growing on her spine. The tumor cannot be removed because her body cannot survive another surgery. In the past month they discovered a blood disorder, problems with the spleen and platelets. All of this and she still wants prayers for her health. So thanks to all for including Brenda in your prayers, and gee whiz, I'd take some prayers too - this is difficult. And, maybe prayers for more funny stories to share because laughter does seem to ease her pain better than the medications! Thanks!

120. 29 Jul 2009 13:48



... I just had to authorize a DNR for my mother...

... We had such good news when we learned how well the chemo worked, but she has gone down hill fast... Don't expect her to last too much longer... The DNR is her wishes... Was still hard to do...

...Pray for me please...