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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

1041. 22 Jun 2013 09:45


That's quite alright Lizzi...I had hoped to spend more time here.
No one could have predicted the extent of the damage caused by the rains we've had for the past couple of weeks. I just talked to one of my daughters and they were out surveying the damage. The roads out of their town are washed away in the flood. Their home and property has not been damaged and they had power but they are not able to get to any grocery stores or to work.
My daughter that lives on a ranch has not had any damage but was without power for 12 hours. Their road into Calgary is also washed out.
Yesterday they told me the horses had made it to higher ground. Today they will be checking the cattle. The rain has stopped at least for awhile but the checking has to be done on horseback. They have been out checking on their neighbors that live at lower levels.
My niece that I mentioned before is okay and did not have to evacuate. We are still being told to stay home and conserve water.

1042. 22 Jun 2013 10:17


Glad to hear that you and your family are not in any danger. I just got off the phone with my brother-in-law in B.C. He and his wife both have family and friends in Calgary but he said everyone is okay. I've been following it on CBC News World and it's just unbelievable! I wonder how Dragon is doing in Red Deer?

1043. 22 Jun 2013 13:57


I have not been able to check in with all my friends yet. The army has set up headquarters in the local hockey arena 2 blocks away from my house. The church I attend has taken in a lot of people that were displaced from downtown Calgary. I am prepared to take people in should the need arise.
Dragon hasn't been on for quite awhile. I wish there was some way of knowing she is safe. The good thing is that Red Deer had more time to prepare and evacuate low lying areas.

1044. 22 Jun 2013 17:50


Hazer, I join the others in lifting you and your loved ones up in prayer. Many safe wishes, KliaMia

1045. 22 Jun 2013 19:54


Thank ou all for your prayers.

1046. 23 Jun 2013 17:12


Dragon is fine~she has posted some pics of flooding on facebook.

1047. 23 Jun 2013 17:14


So much tragedy....stay safe!

1048. 23 Jun 2013 20:25


Dear Hazer, I join with all the others here in sending energy to you and your family to have safety and comfort.

1049. 24 Jun 2013 12:36


Last post should have read you, not ou!

Thank you lynnspotter and bluemoon! I went out today and got as close as I could to my oldest daughter's. I couldn't cross the road, my vehicle wasn't high enough and I didn't want to get stranded in water that is still covering the road leading into their town. They have a truck and so were able to come across to meet me and it was so good to just give them all a hug and hear her little guy yelling 'HI' as soon as he spotted Grandma! The rest was all his jibber-jabber, smiles and hugs and kisses.
The rivers and creeks are still torrents but the water level is going down and clean up has begun in the areas that are accessible.
Rebuilding will take months and in some cases years, so I will have plenty of opportunity to help in whatever way I can with the relief efforts, although a person's first impulse is to rush in and and try to assist we are being told to stay away and let the professionals do their work so we don't have to be rescued, too.