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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Goldie

141. 25 Jan 2010 13:56


I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, lol. My interests are ever changing. When I was little I wanted to be a veterinarian because I love animals. Then I wanted to be an doctor so I could deliver cute little babies all day. In my teens, I wanted to be a rockstar. Things shifted back towards animals in high school where I studied biology and zoology relentlessly. And in college I changed my major six times before I finally graduated with a degree that I don't even use.

Funnily enough, I have NEVER wanted to be an artist even though I've been drawing since I could hold a crayon. My friends and co-workers still ask my why I don't pursue this as an actual career. And it's not that I'm worried about stability or security. It's just that I love doing this. I love art. And if I ever did it for a living, then I'd HAVE to do it. On other people's schedules. By other people's rules. I'm afraid it would stop being fun...

142. 25 Jan 2010 15:24


When I was a little girl all I ever wanted to be was a veterinarian. When I got into high school and realized the requirements to get into vet school and how much it was going to cost I knew I would never be able to do it and I was rather lost for a great while. I had never wanted anything but to be a vet and I couldn't figure out what to do with myself. For a while I decided to try for Animal Health Technologist but my math grades weren't good enough. I ended up going to school for Veterinary Office Assistant and that's what I do now. Sometimes when I see what the vets have to do I'm glad I'm not a vet!

143. 25 Jan 2010 15:48


Have very much enjoyed hearing of others' dreams and realities with regard to professions. From Dragon's journey to veterninary office assistant, to inked gemini's contention that doing art for a living would not be as much fun, to QSilv's many paths but currently a business owner, to Heidi's desire to pursue her dream of art in the future. All great tales. Sheftali wanted to be an architect. As a child, I created little houses in the dirt, with special rooms and odd little quirks. So what did I do? Spent my life in the military as a logistician. Now, I love to read about architects of smaller houses, such as Sarah Susanka. Also, I like capturing nature's beauty through a camera's lens, as well as viewing the world from unusual angles.

144. 25 Jan 2010 15:50


veterninary -n = veterinary

145. 25 Jan 2010 18:07


Sheftali: I loved the "not so big house," and tried to incorporate it into my work when it first came out. (I used to develop real estate, tho I am not an architect.) Then I got wrapped up in the craze of the big sprawling homes, not because I wanted to, but because that's what was selling where I was developing. Now, we have a perfect, "Not so Big," home and I need to revisit the book for ideas. Thanks for reminding me.

146. 25 Jan 2010 18:42


I became quite enamored of Susanka's work, and bought several of her books. I think I'll go back and look at them again as well! It's funny--I visited a friend in Ohio a few years ago--his house was a small farm house on 5 acres, and right across the street was a McMansion (his words!). After seeing the farm house, I was charmed by its layout. I doubt that the McMansion across the street had half the "soul" of the simple farm house.

147. 25 Jan 2010 18:47


I'm with ink, I still dont know what I want to be when I grow up either!LOL
When I was very young I wanted to be an actor, singer or an Olympic gymnast. I did do alot of plays in highschool but as far as gymnastics.....NO WAY.....not my thing!!!

As I grew older I wanted to be an artist or rather a photographer for National Geographic. I went to college and started on that path.....almost made it untill my life took a turn......a new adventure called motherhood!

Now I work for Mercedes Benz US International in a great job, with a great family. So I guess what I really want to be when I grow up is exactly what I am.........Happy!

148. 25 Jan 2010 18:51


Love it belladonnis! Happy is good!

149. 25 Jan 2010 19:25


This child is amazing......wonder what he will be when he grows up!!! aged-just-SIX.html

150. 25 Jan 2010 19:36


I'd love to know what sorts of things the art teacher told him and showed him!
He's working both freely and strongly... rare combination at ANY age.

151. 25 Jan 2010 20:56


......I want to be a veternarian...... also I might sell some of my drawings(that will improve. I like them and so do other people, right mom?)

152. 26 Jan 2010 15:33


Yes, Goldi, I like many of your drawings and other art works, too--the clocks you made, ceramics, cards, etc. I also like your poetry a lot! In fact, I could read your poetry all day and never get bored! Your poetry is my favorite of all of your creative works.

153. 27 Jan 2010 16:35



154. 28 Jan 2010 19:18


ok...uhhhhhh peace out! please consider voting 4 pics that should b in top 5!!!

155. 29 Jan 2010 17:08


This guy is hilarious!!! Check it out:

156. 29 Jan 2010 17:09


goldiegirl you seem kind and gentle would you like to be in my supoporters group? lerarn more about it in my forum called MNY SISTWER . together we can make a differencd a big difference. we can help the banned!

157. 29 Jan 2010 17:27


Channel Goldie, I'd like another poll. Here's ideas: favorite foods, favorite things to do for fun, ways people handle stress, best trip or vacation. But, I don't care what poll you pick ... just think they are fun. ; )

158. 3 Feb 2010 18:42


New poll! whats ur fave food?
a. Hamburgers
e. none of the above (please state)

4 me, my answers d

159. 3 Feb 2010 18:45


b and c

160. 3 Feb 2010 18:46


e. pizza