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Forums - General Discussion - Dry Sockets, Fluorescent Lights & Other Crazy Things

61. 5 Sep 2009 14:49


I had a counselor once who subscribed to the theory that every person in a dream represents ourselves. So even if you have 5 different people in your dream, they are all some manifestation of yourself. It's kind of an interesting concept if you put thought into it after a dream. There's much more psychobabble that goes along with it, too, so you might need that to really understand it all. But I'd have to refer to google for that, cuz I'm no psychobabbler! LOL

62. 5 Sep 2009 15:05


Regarding diverticulitis and any belly ailment or condition. There is a marvelous self help book called "Unwinding the Belly' it is rather new and easy to find if you google it. She gives very simple easy to under stand instructions on freeing up and releasing tension in the abdomen. people have found permanent relief from many ailments especially digestive and menstrual using her technique. It is way relaxing and you can do it on your self. it helps me sleep soundly.

63. 5 Sep 2009 18:58


Sleeping!!! You know I can sleep pretty sound its just the fallling asleep part I have the most problem with. I will check out her technique and see if it will help me.
Im a horrible insomniac! It started when I was in highschool and peeked in my 20's then It kind of came and went, but boy its made a hugh come back lately!
I could just be stressing I guess, alot going on at work, home ......oh who am I kidding thats just life huh!

64. 5 Sep 2009 19:15


A friend of mine at work drinks this stuff called Kefir or Kefir grains! Kefir is a live culture, a super probiotic. My friend calls it yogurt on steroids! Ive read up on it and it sounds pretty good for alot of things. You grow it yourself so he is going to give me some of his and Im going to try it!

65. 5 Sep 2009 19:28


Okay, here is my recurring dream, um, nightmare really. Gotta say, I learned some things in the telling of this, and here I thought this dream was long gone, over, fini. : ) But, I do still have PTSD, not sure one ever gets over that 100%, but I'm working on it. And a small caution: the dream is violent but I did leave the graphic parts out. Still, feel free to skip this. If I had the chance, I might skip it myself. (tee hee hee)

The nightmare started when I was 16-17 years old. It came many times a year at first, but by my mid-thirties I made it through some years without having the dream at all. Anyway, it was always the same: I'd be alone, a house cat perched above would pounce and attack, yowling loud enough to split ear drums and trying to kill me. The only way I could get the cat to stop attacking was to hurt it. If I managed to lock it in a room, bag, cage, the cat would get out and attack again. So, each time I had the dream I had to hurt the cat badly enough that it became unable to attack. That was hell. I LIKED house cats, hated violence, but faced with death, violence was the only choice I saw.

When the dreams first started, the fighting was so vivid I'd awake shaking, heart pounding and many times had sweated through nightgown and sheets. As years passed, the dream became less violent, cat less threatening and last time I had that dream was 15 years ago - when in therapy. (Cheers for good therapists!) Around that same time I began to feel comfortable around real world house cats for the first time in 23 years!

So, therapy ended and a few more years passed when one day, someone dumped a cat by our house. We took her in but I was leery because of that dream. All was well except for one thing, the cat was exceedingly vocal and when she wanted something, food, whatever .... she didn't just meow, oh no - she would meow with such a fevered intensity that we'd say, "ms. spice is bitching us out!" May sound cute and funny, but it was not. Finally, one day the cat's pushy attitude was too much and I screamed at her, "You sound just like my mother!!!!!! Shut up!!!!!!!!" Both cat and I stood there in shock. For one, I do not scream, not ever, and for two, I couldn't believe what I'd said.

Suddenly, the cat nightmare came back to mind and it seemed obvious! The attacking cat of my dream had been my mother, or at least - how I experienced her, and how I reacted to her. And, in a strange irony, I did end up hurting my mom to keep her from hurting me anymore. We had an intervention on mom, but denial so thick, things so convoluted, I figured Mom would never get the help she needed. Finally told her I loved her but unless she got help, I did not want to see or hear from her again. Sounds drastic, and was. About a year after I cut ties with mom, the cat dream disappeared and never returned.

Well - wasn't THAT a delightful story? I will say that recalling the dream now I am amazed at how accurately the dream described my inner world during those years. It seems to express what I could not let myself know in the conscious realm: that my mother was mentally ill and crazed, that although she may have looked cute and innocent, she was not. The dream also showed that there was no way to stop my mom from being hurtful.

In closing, I did reunite with family a few years ago and by then, mom was in a nursing home. When I visited, what I felt most was absolute relief that she would never be able to terrorize anyone ever again. Of course, I was wrong about that. Yep, the nursing home called my sister this spring saying that mom "bullies and abuses the other clients." It has apparently been a problem the three yrs. mom has been there. Finally, with doctor consent, they have medicated mom as much as humanely possible, but the meds have not stopped mom from hurting other people yet, just slowed her down a bit.

Sorry this story isn't happy, but please know there's a very good ending! Found a therapist and therapies to get me through the storm of hurt and anger I carried for all those years, and when I did get through that storm, I found out I was wrong about something very important - my belief that everyone is miserable day and night, that happy people are just good at faking! Yep - I believed that with all my heart. Don't anymore. : )

And now that Robin has introduced the idea of people in the dream representing parts of yourself ... I've heard that too, and variations of it. For instance, another interpretation of my dream might be that I was attacking myself. And, in real life I was attacking myself; I blamed myself for making my mom act as she did, for not being able to help her. That sounds bizarre, but it's well documented that abused children, wives, etc. believe they cause the abuser to abuse.

Then there are new-age, and even old religious beliefs that all of life is simply a path of spiritual development, and in that sense ... what happened between my mom and me was a chance to develop a compassionate heart. Well gee whiz, I would have preferred a far less painful route ... however, the end result seems to be that I am more compassionate with others and with myself. And, there ARE far more moments of joy in life now than I ever thought possible! : )

So ... the moral is? I have no clue. : )

66. 5 Sep 2009 19:43


And on a lighter note, coho, I've heard of that book. I use yoga and many other therapies for body issues, etc. but always want to learn more so thanks for suggesting that book!

And to balance things a bit more: one night I had a dream when I was about ten and little brother eight. We were in our back yard when a large silver, golden, white and black eagle came and landed on a small tree. It told us ALL the secrets of the Universe. We were so happy that we made the alley turn into a clear stream, ran and jumped in it and floated away ... laughing and giggling with great abandon. I can still FEEL the joy of that dream. Unfortunately, I don't remember a single thing that eagle told us. : )

67. 5 Sep 2009 21:04


Ok since we are all confessing here, I have 2 stories to share with you. One of them I have a witness to.
When I was about 11 I was playing outside, it was a beautiful day. I was alone in the back yard with no one but my dog Spot. I suddenly got this funny feeling I was being watched so I turned and looked up and I saw a man sitting on a cloud. I swear its true! He was just sitting on a cloud dressed in what looked like blue robes with a turban on his head. His dress kind of like what sultans might wear. He had white hair and a white beard that blew in the wind. I got really scared and ran inside but when I got in I felt really calm and stupid for being scared. So I went back outside and he was gone. My mom came outside and I told her what I saw. She told me I was just daydreaming. I dont know, I dont think I was it was so real. And the funny thing is she stayed out with me and kept looking up in the sky time after time!!!!

The next on happend when I was about 15 and my cousin was staying the night with me.

Just a note before I start the story, our neighbors had cats. When I say cats.....I mean cats. They had about 15 cats and who knows how many kittens that stayed outside around their house and barns. At night these cats and kittens would come down to our house and sit on the big window sill of our kitchen and on the patio. The winodow was one big window.... about 8 standard windows long. Ok back to the real story.

My mom and dad decided to go out to eat with some friends and my cousin and I decided to stay home. We watched tv and just hung around doing really nothing. At about 9:30 we heard this noise outside. So we went to the kitchen and looked out the sliding glass door. We saw these strange lights in the field behind the house. We opened the door and went out. What ever it was started to come toward us. It was in the sky just behind the trees in my back yard. It had red, green and blue lights and it made a funny humming noise, also the trees were kind of swaying like the wind was blowing.
Well we took off running 90 to nothing to my grandmothers house, which was sort of next to our house. Quite a run! When we got there we busted through the door, scaring the holy crap out of my 78 year old grandma and grandpa! We calmed all of our selves down and we explained to them what we saw. My grandma and grandpa just looked at us like we were crazy!! They went outside and ofcourse nothing was there!!
Back home we went. When we got there we noticed we had left the door open. We go in and all of a sudden all of the neighbors cats started to jump out at us from every where!! That whole night gave us a pretty good scare, but what scared us the most was the fear that one of the cats had pooped in my parents house!!!

That marius was not a cat and ufo dream but a reality!!LOL

68. 5 Sep 2009 22:17


I've never had anything eerie like that happen, that I remember, but my family lived in Indiana for a few weeks after I was born before moving here to Phoenix and they all tell the same story of a "haunted" house. Apparently the house was up on blocks, not a mobile home but and older home that had been moved I think and left up on blocks for some reason.

Anyway, on several occasions during their time there (about 16 - 18 months) there was pounding from under the house as if someone where under there with a hammer going at the underside of the floor. Because it was lifted you could see all the way under the house on all sides so no one could hide under there and there were no pipes, vents or loose pieces of wood or metal that could be banging. They said they could feel the percussion under their feet too not just hear it. My father would go out and look under the house while it was happening and nothing.

On a more sinister and explainable thread, I used to walk from my house to my mother's salon about a mile away through a nice, quiet area that was full of elderly couples who had raised their kids there and a few young families, basically a safe area and this is going back 20 years. One day I was walking and heard a car creep up behind me, I thought they were afraid I might walk into the road or something and were just being extra careful so I kinda' hugged the curb (there weren't sidewalks the lawns went right to the curb) so they would know I was aware of them and wouldn't be making any sudden moves. They stayed behind me, the same speed no indication that they wanted around or that they had anywhere to be besides following me. Getting creeped out, I glanced back to see what was going on.

The car was an older car with an old paint job, clean and in good repair but very nondescript. All the windows were tinted almost black and rolled up all the way which I remember thinking was odd because it was a car that looked like it probably wouldn't have air conditioning and it was too hot to have the windows up in that heat. I'm thinking now I picked up a lot more about cars from my brother and his friends than I thought...

I've mentioned before in another thread that my mother taught us very early in life about how people in the world were not always nice and did very bad things to children, she was way more explicit than that but you get my point. I was not a 10 year old with the mind of a 10 year old I was always on the look out for weirdoes and knew this was off. I was only about halfway to my mom's place and while I'd made that walk a hundred times and had waved at and greeted the people in the neighborhood I didn't know anyone or their schedules so I was afraid to try to go to a door for help incase that got me in a worse place. For some reason I thought I shouldn't run, worried I'd wear out before I got there or just didn't want whoever was in that car to know they'd scared me or that I was on guard.

I skipped the usual shortcut through the alley for the more populated (of course not that day) way and just kept on walking never looking back again. I remember that my posture was perfect; I think I was making myself taller and I walked like I was late!

They followed me all the way to the parking lot and pulled in and turned around real slow and parked at the back. They knew where I was going; I had cut the lot but they had to pass me to turn into the lot and I could have been just taking a shortcut, it was a corner lot, they had to know I was stopping there. I went around to the front of the shop instead of using the back door trying to get them to think I was not going to the shop that day but when I peaked out they were still there with the engine on the windows up and I could see the drivers silhouette.

I often would stay for a while with my mom and then walk back home but that day I stayed all day and went home with her.

I’ve never forgotten that car, I never saw it again but I do wonder if I hadn’t seen it before. I know I wasn’t wrong; whoever was in that car was looking for an opportunity to snatch me. Specifically me. The thing that scares me to this day is that I was the kid who knew better than to walk the same way every time, who knew that there were bad people out there and I’ve always known I would not ever be a victim. I knew better and still, I was so close to being a victim then, I could have been overpowered and pulled into that car so easily. Something made them think better of it but if they had of decided to risk it I’d have been gone.

69. 5 Sep 2009 22:31


I had a thought while telling this story, I can't ride in a car with the windows down, I get headaches and earaches.

70. 5 Sep 2009 22:34


You were very lucky that day!!
I am so straight foward with my girls about things like that. I dont let them wait for the school bus unless Im watching and I never let them get out of my sight when we go places that are crowded.
When I was a young girl I would play in the feilds and woods behind our house all the time. I would take a lunch and stay all day just playing and exploring.
I dont let my kids do that when we go visit. The fort that my cousin, brother and I made is still near the creek and I let them play there because i can see them from the house. My parents own all the land back there but we sometimes see trucks and 4 wheelers back there now. I dont think Im over protective just cautious. Its sad really in a way because I had so much fun and a sense of freedom.

71. 6 Sep 2009 08:48


solosater - so glad you started this thread! Making me smile - all the contributions I just read.

belladonnis: Love your stories! As far as things like that, I'm very open. In fact, I like to record curious things I hear about (and those I experience) - will add yours to my list. Meanwhile here's a few for you.

1. Living with my sister, woke up one night to see a lady sitting in a chair. I could see through her, but she looked pretty solid too. She was wearing a terry-cloth robe and was very sad. It scared me! Later told sis and she said, "I was wondering if you'd noticed her." So, we got out paper and went off to write our experiences about this woman's presence. Everything we wrote matched. We lit candles, prayed for the woman to move wherever she needed to go. Within a few days she left.
2. A UFO that hovered ten feet above a friend's car when she was driving in the English countryside. (She said there was NO way to deny that but she has tried as hard as she can.)
3. A friend who had a very old lady show up in his dreams from childhood into adult years. One day he was visiting distant relatives, they pulled out old photo album and there was a pic of the old woman in his dreams. Turns out it was his great-grandmother, whom he'd never met or known about.
4. A lady who's son talked about when he "was alive before," even drew pictures of former house and family.
5. Child artist, Akiane. You can google her.

And I've had several things like what solosater described. Here's one. When I was in high school I'd come home and stand outside our front door "feeling" if it was safe to go in or not. Don't know exactly when I started doing that, but the feelings I'd pick up were uncannily accurate. Whenever I got the "unsafe" feeling, I'd leave, go walk around or something. Every single time when I finally came home, some drama or trauma would have happened. One day while standing outside the door and "feeling" if things were safe or not, it felt as if the door screamed, "Get out of here NOW!!!!" I swear I almost felt pushed off the porch. I ran, ran, to a friends and told her. She knew about my family. So I stayed there and ate with her family, finally went home about 9 that night. Well, what I'd done - not come home from school, miss dinner, etc. was a gigantic no-no in my family. I was wondering how much trouble I'd get in - but I didn't get in any at all. When I got home my four younger brothers were in a tizzy, where had I been, did I know what had happened? Turns out my parents had gotten into a GIGANTIC fight. Mom poured out ALL of Dad's liquor, and I'm telling you, that would have taken some time! Dad left for a while. Apparently neither parent missed me and to this day, I'm not sure anyone got dinner that night either, except me.

There are many other such things. When I was in music school in college, I practiced piano every night from 7 to 11 p.m. I only lived a few blocks from the school, but still, that was late to be walking alone. So every night I'd "feel" if it was safe to walk home. When it didn't "feel" safe, I'd find someone to give me a ride. Well, I told a friend about this (it was no big deal to me, I'd done it forever), she laughed and said that was the stupidest thing she'd ever heard. That got me thinking and I wondered how I "knew" if things were safe or not. I started thinking maybe she was right, that I was just making it up. So one night, I got the feeling to NOT walk home, that it was not safe. I decided to ignore it. Half way home, this man pulls up in a truck. He says vulgar things and gets out of truck. I ran like the dickens and he did too. Anyway, found some bushes and hid there. The man kept walking around yelling that he knew I was there and he'd find me. Boy was I praying hard. Eventually the man left and guess what? I have always listened to feelings about safe/not safe since then! : )

72. 6 Sep 2009 10:08


And belladonnis, when I was a kid we also had entire days away from parents! Generally there'd be about five to eight kids (siblings and neighbor kids) who'd go on these adventures. We'd pack lunches, ride our bikes five miles to this gigantic park and not be home until dinner. There were many days like that in the summer.

We never bothered anyone and no one ever bothered us. We didn't have locks for our bicycles either - just left them in the weeds and they'd be there when we got back. It was a kind of kid heaven. I loved it. Think our parents loved it too because they let us go all the time! : )

73. 6 Sep 2009 17:10


It was so much fun back then. Almost like the movie Stand By Me, only with out the dead body!lol
Hope you guys had a great day!
I'll check in later!

74. 7 Sep 2009 19:23


It was like in the movie Stand By Me, without dead body. Think it was my saving grave from the homefront. I was blessed that way. We kids LIVED outdoors the entire summer. Barefoot for three months, soles of feet thickened up so the bottoms of feet felt like they had their own leather shoe.

75. 7 Sep 2009 19:25


And, where is solosater? Awaiting more dry socket ... crazy thing stories.

(sorry for impatience - but flu recovery is not complete and patience is not one of my virtures ... even when I'm feeling great.) : )

76. 7 Sep 2009 21:35


We have had the flu to! Im glad it over and I can go back to work!
We watched a movie the other night that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It was just a kids movie....Coraline,but it had this part that was so like my white room dream! It creeped me out!!!My kids even noticed that I was upset! It was a cute movie but I can honestly saw I will never watch it again! Silly huh? Have a good nite and type at you guys soon!lol

77. 8 Sep 2009 01:25


marius, my mum was nearly always barefoot at home, inside and out. Her soles were like leather. I can't do it ... I'm pretty robust but my feet are too sensitive to walk outside barefoot.

78. 8 Sep 2009 10:46



79. 8 Sep 2009 17:24


Login - you had tender feet even when you were a kid? My feet are more sensitive now too but I figure it's because I rarely go barefoot anymore.

I remember when I was a kid how we'd all talk about our tender feet at the start of summer. But by the END of summer, it was a marvel how easily we could run over little rocks and gravel and not feel a bit of pain! Funny - I'd forgotten that until now. : )

80. 8 Sep 2009 20:17


Yes, I'm sure the feet would toughen up, given the chance ... but I just enjoy being comfortable ... too much so to give it a try.