Title: Caittl Sweets
created on 01 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. caittl wrote:
 Checkered Girl
2. polenta wrote:
 sorry caittle if you disliked it or thought it was not suitable. I'll explain that on Channel Baldur
3. marius wrote:
 Caittle, I taught 2nd grade and the word "sex" was used in my classroom. It was used in our the "learning about yourself" section. There is the male sex and the female sex. There is nothing wrong with the word. Sorry if this bothers you, but I do not find
4. marius wrote:
 it wrong to use that word it worng to use that word in front of children. : )
5. marius wrote:
 Oops - don't find it wrong to use that word in front of children. : )
6. marius wrote:
 By the way - you've got some nice pictures. Welcome to thinkdraw and hope you're having fun!
7. marius wrote:
 PS Even though *I* am not offended, I do think it is good to report things that are offensive to YOU! : )

User: caittl

Profile Picture for caittl

Date joined: 29 Oct 2009

Number of pictures: 44

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