Title: Not always much choice
created on 12 Jun 09

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Comments on this picture (28):
1. ross wrote:
 Wow!I know it took you a long time to make it!
2. Login wrote:
 It did ... I tried very hard to get some detail into her face but I couldn't make the pieces small enough. Some can get around the problem ... I'm still trying.
3. marg wrote:
 oh, jeez.. here's me messing around at the end of the week, and you come out with us absolute pearl - beautiful !
4. marg wrote:
 sorry -us + this !
5. polenta wrote:
 ah... our great great great grandmothers probably walked around with their babies on their back. Really lovely!
6. gwinnyb wrote:
 too true in many places of the world. makes you think!Beautifully done.
7. camdas wrote:
 wow that's cooool
8. marius wrote:
 This is wonderful! I see details too. The fabrics swirl.
9. sheftali52 wrote:
 very nicely done!
10. indigo wrote:
 Very nice, her basket, the home too!
11. lilalee wrote:
 So very nice!!
12. KStanley wrote:
 Login...I love this. We all take are problems so seriouly. I think we sometimes forget how simple life can be.
13. Ilikecolor wrote:
 This is captivating.
14. five wrote:
 very nice
15. charityb98 wrote:
 heartbreaking yet beautiful lovely work login!
16. kaylynn wrote:
 Very well done! You have captured her dignity.
17. horses wrote:
 why can't I do something this great??!
18. horses wrote:
 Thank you for your comment but I'm realistic. I repeat...I will never be able to draw the way you do but I find it fun anyway.
19. pollyesther wrote:
 i just LOVE this!
20. hxxhxx wrote:
 poignant, makes us remember how much we have, and how lucky we are
21. Kugusch wrote:
 this turned out nice...her body posture...looking off into the distance...esp. how you got the effect of the wrapped skirt. Great!
22. mostblessedone wrote:
 Very thought-provoking. Well drawn.
23. marius wrote:
 Looked for this pic today. Shocked to find it gone! Gave me a sad feeling, but remembered (it's happened to me too) someone must have voted when they weren't in their right mind. Anyway, this picture was and is my number one favorite of ALL breakfast show
24. marius wrote:
 and I do mean ALL!
25. Login wrote:
 Thank you, marius. I was going to draw a starving child, but I decided it would be too shocking.
26. marius wrote:
 Meant to reply sooner, but what is NOT spoken is sometimes heard more keenly than what IS spoken. Maybe it works the same with art because, in this one picture, I saw many people who are in need - and it moved me to prayers and gratitudes both at once! Ma
27. marius wrote:
 Maybe that's why this is about my favorite of all the TD art - it reached deeply inside, to all kinds of places. : )
28. Login wrote:
 Thanks to you all for your comments and votes. Marius, you are a kindrid spirit.