Title: 1st - Cave Bats at Nose Creek
created on 20 Sep 08

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Comments on this picture (5):
1. Teresa wrote:
 When you overlaid the different eyebrows, you captured the bats' sense of movement --- they really look like they are flapping their wings.
2. faith wrote:
 Thanks Teresa for thinking that I did manage to put some movement into their wings; that is what I wanted.
3. anushe wrote:
 It actually does look like the bats are flapping their wings!
4. faith wrote:
 Thanks anushe, I'm glad you can see the movement of the wings.
5. tiki244 wrote:
 I like the detail in your picture. I also like the bats, and the rocks and the things hanging down. i don't know what they are but it really adds to the whole picture. It is just very nice.

User: faith

Profile Picture for faith

Date joined: 16 Sep 2008

Number of pictures: 8

Has a picture in:
 Top 5 September 08

 Halloween 2008