Title: Dreams
created on 20 May 15

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Comments on this picture (7):
1. Fangzzz wrote:
 Ok, know I'm on the road, but I can sneak down to the lobby and have a bit of fun - just can't resist not peeking at what people are creating.
2. Roza58 wrote:
 this is a nice clean dream.
3. pinkie wrote:
 Like the picture with the apt title!
4. 56rosie wrote:
 very nice. reminds me of glacier mountain melt off running in little waterfalls and spilling into a very cold silvery river.
5. clrmered wrote:
 glad you are here Fangzzz!!! nice dream...
6. Eilera wrote:
 Beautiful! It reminds me of clouds seen through an airplane window.
7. katidid wrote:
 Nice dreams!