Title: I Danced with the Leaves
created on 23 Oct 18

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. Fangzzz wrote:
 I danced with the leaves until I became one swirling mass Filled with delight and dread of things that were and may be The cold stripping away the outer veneer to reveal my inner colors I dance with the leaves and fall down to be recreated
2. Normal wrote:
 Wonderful dance!
3. AFSOUTH wrote:
4. nancylee wrote:
5. indigo wrote:
6. katidid wrote:
 Love it! Pic and poem!
7. chelydra wrote:
 omigosh - how did i ever miss this one! (Now playing proudly on jigsawdoku)
8. bugoy1 wrote:
 I missed it somehow too. It's quite the gem!