Title: Practising
created on 31 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (10):
1. indigo wrote:
 Well done!!
2. Normal wrote:
 Yes good job! I'm worried about a possible vitamin deficiency, though. Green nails.
3. Heidi2323 wrote:
 Very nice hand.
4. hanging wrote:
 I found great difficulty in drawing hand but you did great!
5. mdawrcn wrote:
 Very good!
6. stevedover1965 wrote:
 It's out of proportion, but I will get better.
7. polenta wrote:
 this is so difficult!
8. mrozowski wrote:
 I think hands are very difficult. Your practice pic is pretty good. And green nail polish in in...
9. mum23 wrote:
 Practising - that's what I'm doing too! Your comment today was timely, steve. I've started to do some sketching in real life and can see that I have potential... but, to be honest, I don't know where to go from here. Painting scares me... I really just wo
10. mum23 wrote:
 just wouldn't know where to begin. TD feels safe, but I know I need to go further... just to see if I can. Thanks for the push!