Title: Man-made Reef
created on 26 May 10

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Sunken twisted metal on the seabed forms a new reef for ocean life to live in.
2. debray wrote:
 Wonderful how sea life can use our "junk" for their own purposes....Would like to talk to you when you get a chance....I'm crying my eyes out again...my daughter's dog died...Loved him...
3. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Deb just tried to get you on messenger but your were already offline, I will chat with you as soon as I can - take care. x
4. artdillon wrote:
 excellant portrayal of how mankind in general has little regard for other spieces who share our planet
5. clorophilla wrote:
 a good way to turn junk in useful habitat
 great job steve