Title: What does this represent?
created on 09 May 10

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Comments on this picture (42):
1. stevedover1965 wrote:
 I re-created this image from a dream I had, would anybody care to interpret this for me?
2. Tracy123 wrote:
 im no expert, but i think that the orb thing in the corner is you.. and the other orb things around you are your creative thoughts. It looks as though you still have alot inside waiting to burst out.. ( come out of the corner ) Sorry if this dont make any
3. Tracy123 wrote:
 sense.. im not good with words..!! :)
4. stevedover1965 wrote:
 I appreciate all input Tracy
5. Tracy123 wrote:
 It looks quite spiritual actually.. :)
6. debray wrote:
 Perhaps a precognitive dream about the coming transformation of the earth????
7. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Nice thought Debs
8. debray wrote:
 Forgot to mention...Great pic!!
9. mrozowski wrote:
 Are you trying to find time between waking and sleeping and living to create a picture for the mild cubism forum by chance?
10. Normal wrote:
 The cube is a common symbol for space (3-D). In dreams we often are free of normal time & space constraints and may construct a bit of 3-D mentally, just to feel more secure.
11. stevedover1965 wrote:
 I like your theories
12. debray wrote:
 Read what Normal is saying in comparison to what I am saying...Earth is (in theory) moving from 3D reality into 5D reality....(2012??)
13. Normal wrote:
 Good point, Debray.
14. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Are you referring to extrasensory perception, an expansion of perception during the dream state?
15. marthacc wrote:
 Looks like a fetus in a womb to me with the lunar cycle represented above, 10 of which equals a full term pregnancy. Any one you know??
16. stevedover1965 wrote:
 No but an interesting theory nevertheless.
17. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Has anyone recognised the constellation?
18. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Note also the use of the primary colours.
19. stevedover1965 wrote:
 This sort of looks like the picture surreal journey that showed an orb inside a cube travelling up hill...the subconscious is a strange thing...not sure what this means, maybe a coincidence!
20. skynyrd wrote:
 It just might be a priminenision.But, in what corner of the universe?
21. debray wrote:
22. Shanley wrote:
 can't stop thinking what a 'tidy' mind somebody must have to dream things so nicely distributed! my dreams are nothing i can actually draw ...so messy :|
23. stevedover1965 wrote:
 I wasn't fast asleep it was more an impression on my mind that I had to re-create here!
24. stevedover1965 wrote:
 I rarely plan any of my pictures, mostly I just start and end up with a picture at some point after starting I become aware of what I am trying to draw...weird maybe but that is how it works for me sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't!
25. stevedover1965 wrote:
 The showcase pictures I at least I have an idea of what I wan't to achieve, Dragon's I seem OK at so I do a lot of them refining the ideas that work. The rest of it is dredged from the subconscious so a Psychiatrist would probably have a field day on here
26. Normal wrote:
 Oh sure - assumed everybody knew Orion!
27. Shanley wrote:
 lol...psychiatrist barely know who their mother was. you're dragons are very cool Steve and i have definetely seen improvements of style. you tend to add very interesting elements to the pics
28. Shanley wrote:
 plus, you have a goos way of managing space and size (some of your dragons got me desperate for achieving this game of size & proportions! )
29. debray wrote:
 Steve...saw something similair to this pic..again..I have a movie posted on my facebook called 2012 (not the blockbuster fiction version)..VERY interesting and time consuming, but worth a watch..
30. debray wrote:
 The image I am refering to is at about 1:53:00...Those things resembeling stars in your pic, might actually be photons...If you watch it, let me know what you think..
31. clorophilla wrote:
 well, it seems to me a vision about your changing perception of universe. The image is very alchemic, and the primal colours are the same of tarots, are messengers of ancient meanings. Red and Green are the two colours regarding earth, green =feminine, re
32. clorophilla wrote:
 green =feminine, receptive; red=active, masculine; in your pic they are well balanced. Blue is sky, is spirituality, you have done an inversion with the sky down and the earth up, representing an incoming revolution and drastic change of perspective
33. clorophilla wrote:
 keeping close at the alchemic metaphore, the orb fluctuating in the middle of these three elements may be the very philosopher stone, the alchemic product of a well balanced combination of elements, that produce gold, not the mere metal but the golden ele
34. clorophilla wrote:
 the golden element of enlightement. I can't see very cleary the sing in the orb, may be you could explain better to us, anyway I saw a little dragon, as a representation of your very soul. It's a really profund image embedding many ayers of meaning!
35. clorophilla wrote:
 Many layers
36. stevedover1965 wrote:
 A very deep and concise explanation, people can see so much detail and reveal layers, I was unaware of before. The picture was unplanned I drew straight from the subconscious drawing the first thing that came to mind, I had no real idea of meaning or scop
37. stevedover1965 wrote:
 e, of what I was doing, I left the interpretation to you wonderful people and as an experiment it went quite well, such deep meaning..Thank you x
38. clorophilla wrote:
 I was wandering through your gallery in search of dragons and a newly sopped here. Now I see more... on the surfaces of heart (red & green) you put two orbs, and here too there is an inversion. The falx should be the moon (rightly, it's on the green field
39. clorophilla wrote:
 but his light is golden like the sunlight, whilst the full orb on the red (masculine) field should be the sun, but its light is silver like the moonlight... May be it could mean a new sharing of male/female energy and vibrations?
40. clorophilla wrote:
 Orion is a mith connected with scorpio (zodiacal sign), it expresses concepts of death and rebirthing... this seems to me the core meaning of this vision. Did you have more insight on this dream in the following months? Something happened to clarify the "
41. clorophilla wrote:
 to clarify the "premonition"?
42. 56rosie wrote:
 Wow...this is a very thought provoking image! Very well done Seve!