Title: Seagull
created on 27 Apr 10

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Comments on this picture (15):
1. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Whew that took some doing!
2. debray wrote:
 Missed this little guy....I see he has a lovely fish head for lunch! good work!
3. elliebrown63 wrote:
 I bet you took your time on that because it is extreenily good well done very intresting
4. indigo wrote:
 Nice little guy...well done steve!
5. golehto wrote:
 great work:)
6. spam wrote:
 Steve pb is amazing and this is a fantastic piece of art.
7. Shanley wrote:
 you must be from Dover, beacause this sea-pics are great!
8. Shanley wrote:
 erm...what i meant is, your work speaks beautifully about this place...sorry, sometimes i stumble on my own words and fail to say what i actually mean
9. stevedover1965 wrote:
 Don't worry I knew what you meant, I'm flattered thank you.
10. stevedover1965 wrote:
 mind you that does not look like any seagull I ever saw, needs lots of work.
11. Normal wrote:
 Nice close-up of the almost gull! Always thought that bead looked like a fish head.
12. Shanley wrote:
 being sugestiveee is just as important as getting details in a pic. Sometimes the pics that use just a few elements to capture the essence of a thing are more appreciated than those containing a lot of work for details.
13. Shanley wrote:
 once you find a style that's confortable for you, you can call yourself lucky. as far as i see, everybody identified the seagull :)
14. hxxhxx wrote:
 great beak!
15. Artpenny wrote:
 I like this picture, but I hate gulls because they eat chicks! BAD GULLS. GREAT PICTURE