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Forums - General Discussion - The ask Taters advice column

1. 22 Jan 2010 13:56


Ask for advice, i give it out.
(Please do, i need to practice for at school in the newspaper i have to do the advice column and i need practice)
If someone asks something, do me a favor, don't answer it. Please let me do it!

2. 22 Jan 2010 14:27


Ok Tater I've got one for you. My daughter Ash is having a friend problem. One of her best friends Maggie has started hanging around a bully of a girl and not so much with Ash and the rest of their friends. Maggie has since started ignoring Ash when she tries to speak to her. Ash told Maggie how she missed having fun with her and how she has been treating her hurt her feelings. Maggie started to come around some, but the bully girl told Ash that she was just trying to make Maggie feel sorry for her so she would be her friend. Ash asked me if Maggie started ignoring her again should she tell her again how it makes her feel or should she just forget about it.
OK kiddo, what is your advice. Say something or forget about it?

3. 22 Jan 2010 14:30


Dear Tater,

I have a friend who calls me too much, but the problem is, she chews ice in my ear the whole time we converse on the tele. How do I politely tell her to stop the loud chewing??

4. 22 Jan 2010 14:32


OK, try this. I'm thinking of having a new hairstyle, which one suits me best??

5. 22 Jan 2010 16:14


Okay, I'm waiting to see advice. Welcome back and great thread, Tater.

6. 22 Jan 2010 17:12


Belladonis and Ash-
I have had an extremely similar problem. The worst thing to do is to try to change Maggie. I think the smartest thing to do would be to call, then the bully won't be around and Maggie will have a few minutes to think things over on her own. Just try not to be so obvious about it, maybe call asking her something important or if she wants to do something like go to the mall together. Just bond with her again, don't try to change her or she will immediately think that you can't accept her for her. Maggie thinks she is only making new friends, not replacing them.

7. 22 Jan 2010 17:15


Your question made me laugh. I have had similar problems with my friend who likes to eat beef jerky 24/7, not just beef jerky, but the kind where people make noises of pain as they rip chunks off of the whole thing.

Tell your friend that it sounds like service is bad. If she doesn't get the hint, say it sounds like a crunching noise. Eventually, she'll catch on. Ask her to stop because you can hardly hear her.

I hope this works!!

8. 22 Jan 2010 17:19


That's a weird one! Considering that i don't have a clue what you look like, here is my advice.

Above shoulder length is A BAD IDEA!!! Maybe if you go for dark brown and about two inches below the shoulder. Blonde is a bit intense and easy to tell if it's not natural. Get layers, it worked for my mom, makes you look younger!

This is complete guessing... sorry!

9. 22 Jan 2010 17:21


This is fun! Please, keep the questions coming, i need practice for my school newspaper! You can even make some up for my personal practice!!

10. 22 Jan 2010 17:46


Heres a question:if you have 8 hrs of school, and about 20 minutes of homework, and 2 sites that u need 2 deal w/ evry day(Td+FB) how can u deal w/ them all?????? (stupid q, I know, just wanted 2 give ya practice! )

11. 22 Jan 2010 18:03


I am in advanced classes at my school and have about an hour and a half of homework, so your off easy! But i only have 6 hours of school, so i guess we even out!

Obviously, do what you have to at school. Right when you get home, grab a snack and do homework, simple.
Personally, i also have to balance Volleyball. I have practice right after school and get home about 4. I do my homework. By then, it's dinner time. After dinner i do about 30min of chores. Now, it's about 6:30. I go on the computer and open two tabs. Usually i just make a few comments on TD and maybe a picture, some forum time and switch over to Facebook. For about 45min i alternate doing that. After that, our family gathers in the livingroom and reads a story (My aunt and cousins live with us.).

My schedule is complicated, but it can work, hope it's helpful... makes it a bit harder if i don't know what sports you do, or if you are in band at school (at our school we are required to pass at least one music class and do one sport or just P.E.)
Hope it's helpful! Remember, use tabs online!!!

12. 22 Jan 2010 18:52


Thanks Tater Chip!!!;)

13. 22 Jan 2010 19:31


Your advice is extra comforting and makes particularly convincing reading because you offer examples of how it works in your own life.

I always did get the impression you've got good sense and a kind heart.

If you don't get too bored or too busy, and this column's still running when I need outside input, I'll be really interested in yours, so thanks for offering it here.

14. 22 Jan 2010 19:41


It is nearly 1am & I am still awake & playing on Think Draw... What is wrong with me???

15. 23 Jan 2010 06:18


Thanks Tater!! Good advice, and will tell her to let it melt first, and give my ear a break!!

16. 23 Jan 2010 06:34



I'm knocked out by your brilliant advice.. PLEASE keep this column going, 'cause I think it's excellent (and good luck with the school paper) !

17. 23 Jan 2010 08:13


I will! I just need more questions, can you guys offer any more?

18. 23 Jan 2010 08:22


Tater, I have two cats. One is sweet, and loves to play, also just waits on the other cat, Freddy. Where Freddy is lazy, a bully, selfish and down right mean to the sweet one. Do you have any advice how I can get Freddy to quit picking on the other cat. They are both males.

19. 23 Jan 2010 08:45



We had a similar problem with our cats. We had our old cat that had been nice to us throughout the years, then we got two boy kittens out of a litter to come to our house. We had three boy cats. The brothers loved eachother and would play all the time. The older cat HATED them. It was sort of like in the movies where the older child felt side swept when the baby came. We actually had to let our older cat to rest because he got really aggressive and tried to bite one of my cats ears off (he still has the scar). Cats basically can't adjust to having another cat with their owner, their territory, their house.

Heres a tip: separate litterboxes and keep them in different rooms as much as possible. Cats if they don't get along at first, won't get along at all.

20. 23 Jan 2010 08:58


Tater~ thx 4 the solution 2 my problem. Heres a bigger 1:

Goldie's sweet, but chews up EVERYTHING she can get her paws on. Last night, my dad came home to: 2 pee spots in my room, destroyed toilet papers, and a VERY sorry 11-month old pup. WHAT SHOULD I DO????? I'm scared that my dad might give her back to her breeder!! PLease help!!! Otherwise I won't be able to use my username GOLDIEgirl8 or Channel Goldie!!!! + I'll be very sad. so, please help me!!