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Forums - General Discussion - The ask Taters advice column

81. 27 Jan 2010 07:14


Example: Matthew has a fixation on his thong!! lol

82. 27 Jan 2010 14:03


Dear Taters, I am overrun by wild geese in my front yard. They are leaving goose poop all over my driveway and lawn. They even come right up to my front door and hang out on my porch. I don't want to kill them (well, actually, I kind of do want to kill them) so would like some advice on what I can do to repel them. They are not bothering anyone else in my neighborhood, just me.

83. 27 Jan 2010 14:20


(Note: This is what my mom does, she is annoyed easily and a bit OCD...)

In the moment, just skip ordering and say "never mind." Once you reach the window tell them your order, then they get it as fast as they can so you will get out of the drive-through.

If this has already happened (obviously it has) send an e-mail to the manager. Tell them that they should have more... um... qualified people for the job. It can be very annoying.

84. 27 Jan 2010 14:23


Tell your city hall. Let them know that there is a big problem with geese and it may affect property values in the city (that will really get them going). Find more people with similar problems, maybe there is some kind of spray to put on your lawn that won't kill them, just make them unattracted to your poopy yard. Good luck... this is all guessing...

85. 28 Jan 2010 02:22


sorry, Tater..

'stuck' to me is when you don't really understand the problem and can't think of a resolution... or you DO understand the problem.. but still can't think of an answer.. ..or you get half-way through solving a problem, and you suddenly realise that you've got no idea where to go next.. I guess it's like you can't find a way out, mentally or physically (like being stuck in a narrow opening) ?

fixation, on the other hand, is what lilalee said, when someone just can't get out of a particular groove, and just keeps going on and on about something.. (hence puzzler's exasperated remark about her colleague)..

the common element, though, is the idea of 'sticking' or 'fixing'

- oh dear.. let's just move right on to geese, shall we ?

Robin, Robin.. please befriend these geese - you can't get them for love nor money at Christmas around our way, so just take 'em in, feed 'em up and I'll be knocking at your door next December !

86. 28 Jan 2010 06:54


LOL marg! They are ALL yours! But you'll have to do the actual killing. I struggle to even kill ants. If we could just find a way to potty-train them.

87. 28 Jan 2010 07:40


Robin, there must be a area near you with a pond, some body of water. We have a cemetary near by with 3 ponds, also the hospital here has 2 large ponds, also a man made lake. When we visit these places, yes, they are there, but the Canadian geese don't stay that long. They are on their way home, and stopping to feed and rest. They are in our backyard, but not every year, as they pick and choose, where to feed. Go to the Dollar store and buy a few pinwheels, as usually they don't like something new around them, also your cat may scare them off too!! All I can say is good luck and your yard will be nice and green this coming summer!!

88. 28 Jan 2010 08:17


ok tater here's a question for you:

I have 2 little girls who are rather pretty and friendly, I sometimes go to eat or shop with this friend who also has a little girl who is quite pretty, but rather shy and grumpy- the result is that my girls get lots of attention from strangers, waiters, etc. while the other girl, who is completely ignored, gets kinda sad and even more grumpy. What should I do? I'd like to teach my girls to try and include others though at the same time, I'm afraid it might upset my friend and her daughter to be 'pushed into the limelight'

89. 28 Jan 2010 15:35


Did you ever ask your friend about her daughter? She knows her own daughter better than anyone else. Find out what she thinks.

Tell your daughters not to talk to strangers.

90. 28 Jan 2010 16:44


I have talked to my friend, and she doesn't seem to have noticed anything.- And I think it's a good thing that my girls are ok saying hello to old ladies at the grocery store- it makes their day better, and makes them smile- sometimes it's ok to talk to strangers, if we never talked to strangers we wouldn't have friends.

91. 28 Jan 2010 18:53


Ok, it just struck me as odd that you said they spoke to waiters and things... you know what i mean.
You should bring it to your friends attention and keep pushing, a child deserves to enjoy life before they turn into those kids that wear all black and sit depressed in dark corners.

Don't you love my exaggerations???

92. 29 Jan 2010 02:47


Umm, no Tater.. to be truthful

93. 29 Jan 2010 08:08


I was just kidding...

94. 29 Jan 2010 18:38


Hey Taters, any suggestions for easy activities to do to lose weight? Keep in mind it's winter here so I can't do most of the outdoor stuff until spring.

95. 29 Jan 2010 20:25


So, running naked through the snow is out???

96. 29 Jan 2010 20:36


hmm, possibilities as a spectator sport... you vs Baldur-bear... rest of us on the sidelines cheering?

97. 29 Jan 2010 20:47


Vegas is making the betting lines already I am sure...

98. 31 Jan 2010 15:51


I am assuming you mean not including any equipment...
Lets see....
Jump roping?

99. 1 Feb 2010 09:05


Thanks Tater's.
matthew and Qsilv, I wonder who the odds are favouring?

100. 1 Feb 2010 09:26



I have a friend. We've been friends for many years, and we get along real well most of the time...but she has this tendency to take everything personally. If I say something she doesn't like, she immediately takes it that I'm attacking her, and she gets defensive and throws her walls up...and when she does this, it's impossible to reason with her or talk to her, and she blames me for stressing her out, and says any arguments are my fault. We didn't speak for a year because she misunderstood something I said, and we ended up in a huge fight because she got defensive and blamed me for starting the fight. If I try to talk to her about how over-sensitive she is, she gets defensive and it starts a fight. What should I do? I'm tired of having to walk on eggshells around her for fear she'll fly off the handle.