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Forums - General Discussion - Who is an artist?

61. 4 Nov 2009 05:33


What do you understand by the expression " for art's sake"?

62. 4 Nov 2009 18:17


I haven't ever heard that expression, could you give an example of how it is used please?

and I think that an artist is anyone who takes the time to think about what others aren't willing to concentrate on long enough to convey their thoughts about.
I think that there is natural talent out there, but it doesn't make an artist anymore than lack of it stops an artist from revealing himself/herself.

63. 4 Nov 2009 18:50


I believe the term "for art's sake" refers to making art strictly for the pleasure of it. Not for money or acclaim or status or for someone else, just for yourself and the love of the art. (That's what I do when I'm on here)

64. 5 Nov 2009 05:53


yes, I think Dragon is right. It's as if art goes beyond money and has a spiritual value in itself. It's like: " What would I need a billion dollars for on a desert island?
What do you think about this:
An artist can see or feel something before other people can like it, adore it or appreciate it. It's like a question of time..... Where was art before it was in a painting, a piece of music, a poem, etc? Please discuss...........

65. 5 Nov 2009 14:21


I think this ''who considers himself/herself an artist?' is wrong. It should be the public who decides the value. So here's a bold challenge: which of you are 'brave' enough to let other decide whether you deserve to be called an artist or not? make the question easier: who do you consider to be an artist?

66. 5 Nov 2009 14:26


Shanley, I think you are wrong. You are an artist simply if you love to create art, to just draw for endless hours, something you can barely pull your mind away from. You pick up a pencil and begin to doodle, until it slowly begins to grow bigger, and bigger, and bigger. Your confidence is getting bigger, and bigger, and bigger! You finally know what to make. Then, something like "Mona Lisa" is born. Art is just that, in my opinion.

67. 5 Nov 2009 14:35


Maddy, if things were that simple we'd all be artists and wouldn't need other jobs. You forgot an important detail: talent. It's good to work on your tehnique, but without this 'spark' you won't make it as an artist. Surely, the passion is important too.

68. 5 Nov 2009 14:51


In Spanish the words ART and ARTIST are much more demanding than in English. 95% of us wouldn't be artists. We would be like amateurs. I myself began drawing 9 months ago and as I said it already, it is more a challenge than anything else. When my husband complains and says: " You are drawing again!!!", I reply: " It doesn't cost me anything, I can do it at any time of the day, I don't have to buy paint and canvases, etc, I don't get dirty with any oil, watercolor or whatever material it is, I am anonymous and I can relax a lot."

69. 5 Nov 2009 15:00


Actually, shanley, it depends. Do you mean pro artist, or ametaur?

70. 5 Nov 2009 15:11


I suppose the criteria for being considered a professional artist would be in getting paid for your work. So there may be a distinction between 'Artist' (Pro) and someone who has a passion for art.

71. 5 Nov 2009 15:12


When I was a kid, I was so into drawing, sketching, and painting any time I could. One day, in high shool art class, I realized observing others work, that I was not that talented!! I became a hairdresser, and thats where my artistic talent flowed!! I was good and for me the day was like painting a big picture. I loved it!! I feel everyone has some artistic talent, whether it's music, sewing, design, skilled trades, or painting. whatever you have a passion for. Shanley is right though, you have to have a career in something, as there are millions of artisians in our world!! I have a few friends that are artist, with degrees, and they all have other jobs!! Also they are wonderful artist, who get their work out there, but as we know, everyone is a artist!! It's a hard sell!!

72. 5 Nov 2009 15:20


I have a job, I am an artist.

73. 5 Nov 2009 15:34


Good for you!! My brother has been a sheet metal worker for over 25 years, and the kind of metal work he does is big enough for him to walk through. But, he also does metal sculptures for outside buildings and gardens. There is a building in downtown Toledo, that has a large dragon on the roof, that breaths fire every half hour!! He has done some beautiful work, but as he says, it would never pay the bills!! When he does his art, it is a passion, but also feels the same about his work. Passion!!

74. 5 Nov 2009 18:52


Love that he has an actual fire breathing dragon on the roof! That is so cool.

75. 5 Nov 2009 18:58


Dragon, it is cool, as his body moves forward, then the head jets out and releases the flames. Then moves back again.

76. 5 Nov 2009 19:02


I am insanely jealous of your brother!

77. 5 Nov 2009 19:02


Of course the condo board probably wouldn't let me have that. Hehe

78. 5 Nov 2009 19:08


I am too, as he has made some beauties out of stainless steel. I have a skelaton he made, and it's twice the size of a human!! I have a order in for a teradoctol(sp) 5-6 ft span to hang in a tree in back. Can't wait for that. He also has made some furniture out of the steel that turned out wild. But with work, he hasn't as much time for his 'hobby'' as he calls it!! lol

79. 5 Nov 2009 19:11


Not with flames!! It's on a roof of a 3 story building that belongs to my cousin. He is a metal artist also. His wife is a judge here, so I think they had some pull with the fire dept.

80. 5 Nov 2009 22:18


Lilalee, I wonder if that dragon is on the web anywhere? Maybe I should google it? I'd love to see a pic. Where did you say this is??