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Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

11061. 16 Apr 2014 12:26


mmm.... not quite as memorable as the original, but glad Baldur is now fully functioning!

11062. 16 Apr 2014 14:12


Thanks Mom

11063. 16 Apr 2014 14:14


That wasn't very nice of me, Baldur has often portrayed his Mother as an evil person amongst these comments.

11064. 16 Apr 2014 15:01


Does my changed profile pic help with the image?

11065. 16 Apr 2014 19:10


...If you add overdyed golden hair that would never fool anyone.
The twisted yellow ramen-noodle hair from 'Faces' would be perfect

11066. 17 Apr 2014 13:13


Not really the blond type, but noodles.... you might have something there.
By the way, have you seen cheledra's tractor pic?

11067. 17 Apr 2014 18:59


A much belated thank you to mdawrcn.. Baldur has now watched all 24 hours of the Happy video. Actually I've also watched certain partsd more than once.
My favourite? ..the gentleman who starts dancing at 4:00 in this segment.

11068. 5 May 2014 05:14


Baldur.. (or anyone) .. .please tell me how you ever manage to watch 24 hours worth of video, and even watch some parts more than once ?

What magic gadget am I missing that allows me to do this ?

11069. 5 May 2014 05:31


Hello marg, the bulk (24 of 25) of the 'Happy' videos are just 1 hour in duration each.
When Robert is in the other room watching something dreadful* on the telly Baldur remains in the office using a 'Happy' video to blot out the background noise.

* My definition of dreadful is any programming that includes gunshots, explosions, car chases, murders, kidnappings, terrorist activities, crying children, lawyers, police officers, detectives, forensic anything, doctors, hospitals and politicians.
The criteria I use for watching films is distilled from the above:
No politicians, no lawyers, no police

11070. 6 May 2014 05:48


Baldur.. !

You remain my hero and henceforth all persons / partners / white toads or other types that are titillated by violence shall be banished to watching their horrid movies in the other room.

I realised at a very early age that the only thing I like watching is things that make me laugh - and that does NOT include 'world's funniest videos' or anything else where people get hurt.

Give me Pink Panther or The Gods Must Be Crazy any day.

I am also realising that I need to get some headphones, or at least something that will block ambient conversations/noise/transmissions and allow me to proceed with a generally beautific smile on my face

11071. 6 May 2014 07:17


I've mentioned these 2 videos by French group 'Caravan Palace' previously.
Baldur recommends them for creating a wall of happy around a thoughtful space. Jolie Coquine Suzy

11072. 6 May 2014 10:09


Oh my, those were fun, Baldur! First one made me want to put a paper bag over my head and dance in the living room. (Sounded like revved-up Andrew Sisters.) I noticed the robot in the second one could dance far better than he could walk!

Thank you!

11073. 10 May 2014 13:52


Happy Birthday Cathyallheart!

11074. 10 May 2014 14:21


Baldur had a brief adventure today, which in the end made me wonder about how we all communicate.

There is a gentleman who belongs to the same social olrganization that I do who recently lost his beloved Aunt.
Lysandra was 99 years old and lived a happy life. The surviving nephew Heracles is quite grief stricken.

Here I might add that while Baldur and Heracles do know each other socially, we are not close friends. We can not easily communicate.
Heracles is completely deaf. There is no sound transmission whatsoever for any type of hearing aid to enhance. I have been told he has undergone all sorts of attempts.
Baldur has yet to learn even rudimentary sign language. I may even be incapable to ever learn. Nonverbal cues are not something Baldur has anly luck deciphering.

So here we go.
The wake was this morning in a very small church. The funeral was to follow immediately.
My instincts were such that I knew attending the wake was correct. So I went.
No others from our organization were present. Very few in total were there.
Heracles partner (Sergei) was outside finalizing some detail with the funeral director.
There were 6 matching welldressed grimfaced men, obviously paid pallbearers.
At the organ sat a pallid young man with a face that looked as though he had never smiled.
There were 2 elderly women sniffing quietly into their hankies.
Beyond that, there was no one.

I went up to the casket and said a short prayer for Lysandra, then went to sit next to Heracles in the first pew.
He had been crying and gave me a brief hug.
Heracles pointed to his aunt and then up to the ceiling. Baldur has to assume that his comment was meant to be: 'she is in heaven now' and not: 'We will store her body on the roof'
I countered by pointing to an invisible wristwatch on my wrist and drawing a small clockwise circle on it with my forefinger.
My meaning was 'it was her time', hopefully it was not interpreted as: 'Time is dragging by slowly since I arrived'
In any case Heracles nodded knowingly.

Baldur got up, hugging Heracles again and went to the back of the room from where he quietly exited.

11075. 16 May 2014 03:48


Well once again it's time for a video moment.
Baldur found this treasure while poking around on Youtube. st=PLykzf464sU98oQTXKDETkEH9hVhwH-wOD&src_vid=8yr7ivVPhmY&v=-YCeIgt7hMs

It is a wonder what clever video editing can do.

11076. 16 May 2014 05:17


That was funny! Thanks for sharing. Always a pleasure to see you Baldur. ^]^

11077. 17 May 2014 04:47


That was a great video!

I found these photos entertaining. tm_campaign=oiNF101

11078. 17 May 2014 07:47


VERY entertaining! Thanks md! ^]^

11079. 19 May 2014 23:53


Being new I'm just catching up reading on forums. Last month a teacher was commenting about his students not remaining here after getting a top 5 placement. As a non-artist, playing with my abilities here - some hits and some misses - some thoughts on my experience that may have insight:
1) Top 5 - Give me a break. I see talent, I've been awed, but the number of people evaluating on a regular basis is limited. What matters to me is when I discover a new technique, have a happy accident (on of my best I was trying to draw something completely different and went with that instead). Being Top 5 does not make you an artist, you desire to improve does, here or somewhere else.
2) Frustration of the site. I now have lost 4 pictures. The one last night was truly heartbreaking. Nearly walk away then. First, time was because my dear PC wanted to update and MS believes their timing for that is more critical that my original creation. Yes there is save draft, but I didn't make it in time. The second time, I accidentally tripped over my power cord...dang. This last time, I clicked on the recent art on the side rather than the item I was trying to drag - poof gone. I'm staying as fun to get inspired by others, but honestly my efforts on real paper don't disappear on me.
3) Pain of the site. I have RA and the tiny picture (my eyes get blurry) and the small range of motion make each drawing a painful experience. Maybe this isn't the case for typical hands, but the repetitive motion of dragging and dropping many time for one picture is rewarding yet tiresome. You are surprised they don't stay?? If there could be a repeat button without the drag would be amazing. Just repeatedly click placement of the same item until you wanted to switch.
4) Embarrassment of the site. I was experimenting with different textures last night and did a study in "textiles". I learned a great deal in the process. However, not great art that I want to share with all. I've considered putting together "palette of colors" to make it easier to do future drawings. Yet these are things I want for myself but not necessary to share with all. Too bad there can't be a "B" gallery where we could press an opt out button - still viewable, but not on the front page. I would actually be more likely to experiment more boldly if this were so.
5) I get the fun and challenge of strange shapes and formats, but after awhile it is really limiting. There are pictures I want to do but can't. So my art becomes reverse engineering - adapting my picture to what I can see in the parts. My fish was a good result of this and the parrot I saw today a brilliant example. However, there is a fine line between the fun of this as a game and it just being another controlling aspect of life. Everything we say in this world, every picture we post is tracked and recorded - not just for today, but forever. The teacher mocks writing abilities and being able to get the salient aspects of art, but misses the very real demand that don't allow for the playfulness of the past.

I may text in short-hand, but it doesn't mean that I miss the point of this site is fun and a game. This is game is not the whole world and if I was trying to develop fuller art abilities I would invest in a good set of sketch pencils and a sketch notebook - and get off the computer. The best motivation I ever had came from a teacher that said to me, "I see something really great in you. Come back and visit me in the future and tell me what you have done with your life." Turns out he said it in whispers to each of his students, but I've still come back each year to update what I can brag about to him. Great man.

So I've run on too long, but struck a nerve. Let go and trust a seed planted will grow in the way it can.

11080. 20 May 2014 06:28


Fangzzz, you bring up some interesting points. Many of them I agree with.

However, you are conflating two very different posts and threads. You mention that I worry about getting my students ready to write, but that I should be focused on the experimentation. Those are two very different things. 1) I do encourage students to use ThinkDraw. I feel like it makes them use more creativity and feel less inhibited by the idea of talent. Everyone can learn and grow in Art. It isn't the private domain of people born with a special gene. For those students drawing, creativity and exploration are what matters 2) I teach Advanced Placement Art History. It is a history class. It is not an Art class. The point of that class is to get college board credit for passing that test. That's it. So getting them to learn how to back up statements is what matters for that class. They could be the greatest artist in the world, but if they can't convey their thoughts through writing, it is useless. This is what I mean my conflating ideas. These are two very separate things in different posts.

As for accidentally clicking off of the drawing page, if you go into "My Profile", you can click the box that warns you before leaving the drawing page. This is a wonderful thing that has saved my butt on many occasions.

There are things I really appreciate about this website.

- Supportive community
- Level playing field. The odd shapes and palettes are tricky, but there is no way to "cheat". We've had high school competitions where students submit words they have traced. You can't do that here.
- The need to think differently.
- That the Art is saved and can be organized in various ways.
- Inspiration from other members who continue to show that limits are to be challenged.
- Comments that are insightful from people who understand the challenge

Personally, if I didn't have so much work that I should be doing right now, I would be producing more here. It is just so much fun. But if pencil and paper are where you want to be, I can't argue. Do whatever works best for you.