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Forums - General Discussion - Day and Night

41. 17 Jan 2012 09:32


I agree with you that it's never about the body - everyone has some percentage of both! Probably I did not get the nuances of the German.

42. 20 Jan 2012 11:05


Still alive - mainly exterra - "Experiment" grandios gescheitert, auf meiner Seite- I´ll return, when I can. (dont worry)

43. 23 Jan 2012 04:11


At the beginning of the Chinese New Year I am going to start a "new project" - not really new, but lets say so. Its called "Instead of a book - the story of a man and a woman". It is a living story, it already has a past, but it does not have a script, so it will be exciting ....

Now I am starting - rather unusually? - at the very beginning of all what is, by inserting a linik to a Youtube video.
Unfortunately it might be too long - but its worth looking!!

44. 23 Jan 2012 08:12


ff, Rest auf YouTube leicht zu finden.

Why ?:
1) It is about the question, "what is reality" and he can explain it better than I, and he has the wording for the "connection between the world of potentials and the so called "material world". .. And this view is the (my) basis of all discussions about "what is possible"...
2) It is about the "power of love", and this "insight" comes from a scientist! It is The Love of God !!! This I want to show in my first "the power of love" picture, now deleted. It was: our world held by the hearts. Every "discussion" about love .. and the absence of love .. has to focus on the creation principles: Love IS the power of creation. And love is the absence of fear.

45. 23 Jan 2012 08:18


Highly recommandable: The Journey Home: de&ie=UTF8&qid=1327342452&sr=1-2

Ive read it, ten years ago?, when I didnt know "where to go" ...

46. 24 Jan 2012 04:03


And the Course is starting today!!
It is not the Course in Wonders but a related one, more on doing, and better in the present situation, but has the same goal.

There will be at least one lesson per day, when it is "going along". If not, lessons can be repeated. Each lesson is described here. It would be possible to copy it in a separate chapter to make a collection of lessons, for the moment this is not necessary.

1. LESSON: (Seems like made for TD:): Draw a picture, titled: I am a rowing boat.

47. 24 Jan 2012 04:19


There is a big backlog of content, which has to be placed here, most of it is about the ongoing story. For the moment it is very difficult to come "through" even on this site in the forum. So, it will take "its way" and be continued according to the possibilities of the days coming.

48. 24 Jan 2012 04:45


2. LESSON: Go back into your childhood and remember all that, you liked most? Which plays, toys, dreams, thoughts. What was really fascinating? (Even if it would be silly now.)

49. 25 Jan 2012 04:44


I`ll continue the course, if there is a response, otherwise I wont. At present, I dont see any kind of interest.

50. 25 Jan 2012 05:08


I would work out this analysis on the birthdate, if I got an answer on the number of 35. It would be much work for me, I cannot copy it and it is not in the internet available. I wont do anything based on some comments between others, which - maybe or not - are meant for me. I NEVER do this.
It was possible to state an interest on the book I mentioned, and it is obviously possible to change information between these others here, very normal dialogues. So, if this is - of what reason anyway - not possible (and now it is less than it has been) what do you mean Im going to do? .... By the way: the book never will be written. I never wrote a book in my life, although I often had much content prepared, and sometimes I say so - but who should read it... this question always cuts my ambition to do it, and this is ok for me.

51. 25 Jan 2012 05:25


I found this site today:
There are these 4 minutes exercises, this is a course, it looks good.
And a lot of other information, he is the author of the birthday->way of life.

Maybe you find some interesting books, or other courses or whatever.

You know this very well, but the problem is, that you enjoy the "NO" more than the "YES".

52. 25 Jan 2012 05:26



53. 27 Jan 2012 08:58


Das Gebet des Jabez:

Er selbst aber hatte zum Gott Israels gebetet:
"Segne mich
und erweitere mein Gebiet!
Steh mir bei
und halte Unglück und Schmerz von mir fern!"
Diese Bitte hatte Gott erhört.
(1. Chronik 4,10)

54. 27 Jan 2012 20:41


Johannes 4:23
[k]Doch es kommt die Zeit — ja, sie ist schon da —, in der die Menschen den Vater überall anbeten werden, weil sie von seinem Geist und seiner Wahrheit erfüllt sind. Von diesen Menschen will der Vater angebetet werden. 24 [l]Denn Gott ist Geist. Und wer Gott anbeten will, muss von seinem Geist erfüllt sein und in seiner Wahrheit leben.«

55. 28 Jan 2012 05:09


Johannes 1, 1-5

1 Im Anfang war das Wort, / und das Wort war bei Gott, / und das Wort war Gott.
2 Im Anfang war es bei Gott.
3 Alles ist durch das Wort geworden / und ohne das Wort wurde nichts, was geworden ist.
4 In ihm war das Leben / und das Leben war das Licht der Menschen.
5 Und das Licht leuchtet in der Finsternis / und die Finsternis hat es nicht erfasst.

56. 28 Jan 2012 13:24


It is childish to think about God as being a man (an old man wearing a beard) even in my childhood, when we were told about God in the religion class at school I did not believe what they told about God. Obviously there is a male God perceived in a patriarchal culture - as it is since appr. five thousand years, and there has been a Goddess(es) in some ancient cultures before.
I did not read "When God was a woman" (as far as I know its about these times). Today I found a book "If God was a woman" (not available) but I never would read this one. It is childish as well.

What real does interest me on this subject is: There are two "primary definition" what God is, besides all other tries of "explanation". And these are:
God is Spirit (e.g. Gott ist Geist - your quotation, Joh. 4.23) and God is Love (z.B."Gott ist die Liebe". Enzyklika von Papst Benedikt XVI. ich hab das nicht gelesen!). In my perception of God, it always is BOTH. Spirit AND Love. And spirit is "the male aspect" and love is the female aspect of divinity. I havent read so much on religion - but I never have found this kind of thinking in any book or writing. (There is "Shakti" in Hinduism, but is has a different meaning.)

So, my interest is not about religion, it is about spirituality beyond religion (here I am very quickly in the science-field) and all about "creativity". This has been the main subject I was working the last years. My definition of "creativity": It is the result of a "state of being" where we are connected to "Spirit in Love". And Love is the power, which brings "the new" into being, into life. (It is so "simple" and pure - and human "procreation" follows the same principles - on a higher level - , in "common practice" there mostly is no love (and no spirit at all) in the so-called love affairs or relationships.

Well, the level of creativity (in all fields of creation, not only in arts but also in all innovation processes and similar activities etc. ) therefore depends on the success of balancing the male and female energies and qualities of the acting human.

The most creative artist here on TD is this one, who knows this balancing best of all. (It is not the only reason he got my attention:) Obviously - and unfortunately - he knows and does this balancing only on his artistic creations. It is an "irony of fate" that one of the best and highest "balancing power" I ever have seen (and I have seen a lot) has made himself such a difficult way to live this balance in everyday life. It is a balance of energies, nothing else. They are the same energies as in the artistic creation process. And sometimes, then ! want to cry. "You already have it, all of what you need" - but somewhere, there is a place, where fear is greater than love. But the only one, what has to die, that is the fear.

57. 30 Jan 2012 01:34


Since some month the entire building-complex next to my house is under construction. It is a project, planned to be finished in the end of 2013 !!
They sometimes produce an awful noise, hard to bear. At such times it is impossible for me to stay here. I already considered a relocation, but this would be a complex matter and I like my apartment. As I dont know in advance if there will be much or less noise outside, it sometimes happens, that Ive to "flee".

58. 31 Jan 2012 23:12


I believe God has male and female aspects, from what I read in the Genesis 1

"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."

The context seems to imply that the word "man" is used to describe "mankind" rather than the male gender exclusively, meaning to include male AND female in this picture or image of God.

59. 1 Feb 2012 00:27


:) It is the quotation, I often used in the discussion about human gender, referring to the AND in the sentence- as you did.
There is quiet a lot of "information" is this sentence, as it says .. in His own image, and image isnt only the gender:)
In the German version Die Bibel, "Einheitsübersetzung" , Herder Verlag, there is written:
Gen1,27: "Gott schuf also den Menschen als sein Abbild; als Abbild Gottes schuf er ihn." Ihn, also hiier gemeint den Menchen und dann weiter: "Als Mann und Frau schuf er sie."
I have bought the bible just because of this part of the Genesis ("die Erschaffung der Welt", "das Paradies") a few years ago, I wanted to know, what "they say", and then I was very disappointed, because it is only "two pages in the Book".
I am Catholic, but I didnt get a religous education and I havent been intersted in these questions for a long time. I came there, as science for itself couldnt give an answer. But I am not in a specific religion, I have already told this.

60. 1 Feb 2012 05:30


Also, I think it's interesting that a female pronoun is used in reference to cities and countries in the bible.
And in Christianity, the church(as a whole) is referred to as the "bride of Christ" or "body of Christ"
Epheser 5:28 [q]Darum sollen auch die Männer ihre Frauen lieben wie ihren eigenen Körper. Wer nun seine Frau liebt, der liebt sich selbst. 29 Niemand hasst doch seinen eigenen Körper. Vielmehr hegt und pflegt er ihn. So sorgt auch Christus für seine Gemeinde; 30 [r]denn wir sind Glieder seines Leibes. 31 Erinnert euch an das Wort: »Ein Mann verlässt seine Eltern und verbindet sich so eng mit seiner Frau, dass die beiden eins sind mit Leib und Seele.«[s] 32 [t]Das ist ein großes Geheimnis. Ich deute dieses Wort auf die Verbindung zwischen Christus und seiner Gemeinde. 33 Es gilt aber auch für euch: Ein Mann soll seine Frau so lieben wie sich selbst. Und die Frau soll ihren Mann achten.