Think Draw Forums
Forums - Community - Fantasy Perhaps

1. 22 Feb 2009 19:04


I have been thinking of this for days now. Wouldn't it be nice if we could post our pictures anonymously? I see human nature play a lot in the votes. If I put my picture under someone else's name I would get a different vote. People judge by, does this picture measure up to their other pictures and other such things. It would be a lot of fun also to see who did what later. It probably couldn't be done though because each of our pages of pictures would have to be private. I would also like to be able to draw and save for my own use without posting to a showcase or gallery.

2. 22 Feb 2009 19:08


You're completely right that people make different voting decisions based on who it is. I'm not sure how they would implement an anonymous feature though. I do agree, I'd like to be able to save some to a private gallery instead of going to the main one. We could also do some of the racier ones and not have to worry about who might see them that shouldn't.

3. 22 Feb 2009 19:10


I love the idea of anonymous pictures, it would be fun to try and match them up with the artist.
Like who drew this?

4. 22 Feb 2009 19:15


Also as soon as you post a picture it no longer belongs to you because it now is public. I have found some free downloads programs to draw on that I may check out further at some point. I like to do my own graphics for my website. I put a few I drew on here on my site and I don't like the idea that they are public.

5. 22 Feb 2009 19:20


Aaaah, that makes sense. I never thought of that. That would make a Private private gallery a good thing.

6. 23 Feb 2009 04:40


Yes, good idea Dianne.

7. 23 Feb 2009 06:30


In this fantasy I would also have the votes hidden until the reveal time. I feel people decide to vote by the number of votes one already has and what they think the picture should get as a total vote. That is not what the votes should reveal, it should tell how many people liked that picture.

8. 23 Feb 2009 06:56


The person that did the picture could see the votes as they came in though so they would get to enjoy the counter go up.

9. 23 Feb 2009 08:25



How would I know who needs to be voted down then???

10. 23 Feb 2009 11:49


That's a neat idea DMarla. That might be a simple solution that doesn't involve lots of math and whatnot.

11. 25 Feb 2009 12:17


Thanks Dragon. I'm not sure, would it of been better if I posted this in the Feedback section? I'm pretty sure it was seen by Rachel (sp?) anyway. I hope so.

12. 25 Feb 2009 21:41


that is a wonderful idea...if we couldnt see the name or the number of votes untill we voted... that would be a lot of fun to guess who made the pic.

13. 26 Feb 2009 01:11


DMarla, you put it in a nutshell. There are loyalty votes, sympathy votes, vote-it-down votes, family-and-friends votes and follow-the-crowd votes. Anonymous posting is an excellent idea. The artist and votes could be revealed at the end of each month when the TOP 5 is done. Those desperate to win would just have to avoid voting for any drawings that stood a decent chance of getting there.

14. 26 Feb 2009 01:14


I see one snag ... the drawings would be in individual galleries, so anyone interested enough, could find out who did a particular drawing before they voted.

15. 26 Feb 2009 01:34


You're right those in showcase would not be able to vote until later, I hadn't thought of that. As for now, I vote for those in showcase, many times even if they would pass ahead of me. Login, I don't see this snag you mention, our galleries, like I mentioned, would be private so no one could look at them.

16. 26 Feb 2009 12:04


hmmm... I'm *liking* this idea.

The trick would be for Rachel (eeps... ) to set it up like Flickr so you can make individual pix private or public... back and forth of course.

Pix entered in Showcase are anonymous there AND invisible to anyone but their owner in the owner's gallery until the end of that Showcase.

wait... actually that could be automated, utilizing the set-up she's already got for "reported" pix.

17. 26 Feb 2009 12:17


Actually I change my thinking on one thing with this anonymous showcase idea. I think we should vote for others while the showcase is going on. Votes they would get later because we waited to vote really should of been theirs and voted into the total votes.

18. 26 Feb 2009 12:19


If this should be in the feedback section please move it. Anything I post can be moved of course. I'm just not too sure which I should put a post at times.