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If this should be in the feedback section please move it. Anything I post can be moved of course. I'm just not too sure which I should put a post at times.


Actually I change my thinking on one thing with this anonymous showcase idea. I think we should vote for others while the showcase is going on. Votes they would get later because we waited to vote really should of been theirs and voted into the total votes.


hmmm... I'm *liking* this idea.

The trick would be for Rachel (eeps... ) to set it up like Flickr so you can make individual pix private or public... back and forth of course.

Pix entered in Showcase are anonymous there AND invisible to anyone but their owner in the owner's gallery until the end of that Showcase.

wait... actually that could be automated, utilizing the set-up she's already got for "reported" pix.


You're right those in showcase would not be able to vote until later, I hadn't thought of that. As for now, I vote for those in showcase, many times even if they would pass ahead of me. Login, I don't see this snag you mention, our galleries, like I mentioned, would be private so no one could look at them.


I see one snag ... the drawings would be in individual galleries, so anyone interested enough, could find out who did a particular drawing before they voted.