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Enjoying the Safehold series by David Weber. Looking forward to the new Stephen King this autumn.


Letters from the Earth
by Mark Twain
the first link is the book the second is info


Recently read "Demon a memior"... really enjoyed the story from a demon's perspective. It isn't dark as the title would suggest.


I've recently been reading the Phillipa Gregory novels that are based on the court and wives of Henry VIII (The Other Boleyn Girl being the most famous, but not actually the beginning of the series). I've thoughouly enjoyed the ones I've read so far, she gives you an amazing amount of history while making the story engaging and interesting. (Also must agree with Lizzi that the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy are a wonderful read, one of my all time fav's, I could read it over and over again-and I have!)


Right now I'm reading World Without End by Ken Follett. It's the sequel to
Pillars of The Earth. ;]