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Kathy, wrote back, but got a "vacation reply" so I don't know if you got it.


I'm glad, I don't want to feel as though I was loosing it! It would be six of one half dozen of another actually. I'm like you, I had seen those listings but just don't use them on this site.


I saw it awhile back I meant to say.


Oh, now I get it. I saw it then but I don't remember if I check out favorites or not. I got the link to the site saved to a group I go to though.


I used the Favorites on MSN Explorer. But, I found out tonight there's a "Favorites" on TD. On the sign in page you'll see "Edit Details", under that, you'll see "Share" button, click on that and you'll see "Favorites", in fact a litany of things. The Favorites has a star next to it. I hadn't had an occasion to use them.