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Uh.. I've done homework, more homework, and... uh... Spring Break I went to the East Coast!
The Strand RULES.


Qsilv-Be on your soapbox. I truly empathize with you for the suffering you have endured. My dad was asthmatic, but then, smoking wasn't associated with it, yes, he smoked. Those attacks scared the begeebees out of me. Learning the hard way wasn't fun. My own fault! I see both sides and empathize with both. my box and I'll stand next to you?


matthew, if we keep getting increased taxes on tobacco your problem may be a moot point! Best of luck with the pool hall. I will be in Santee in a couple weeks, & looked to see how far out of the way it would be to stop by. Alas, it would be a good hour longer drive, & don't think my mom would go for the extended time for a drop in! Maybe some day.


So eloquently put, Qsilv. I agree with your every word.
In UK, the ban was accepted surprisingly quickly. There were a few determined protestors at first but, once people became used to the ban, they simply went outside for a drag and then came back in again.
Matthew, if you ever decide to give up paying the fines and conform to the law, you may even attract some extra customers who previously couldn't take the choking atmosphere. Good luck in your new business. I hope custom improves, along with the air in your poolroom.


Y'know what? I agree! There SHOULD be smoking-allowed places!

Not that I wouldn't mind having a local pool hall where there was none... sigh... but the truth is, in your average bar, sports bar or pool hall, *I* would be the outsider wearing the fishbowl... and that'd be fine.

Yes, I know about building businesses... I'm quite thoroughly on matthew's side here.

Please don't interpret my snapping about 2nd hand smoke as meaning I approve of government extending regulation to private places; I don't.

I do feel it's appropriate for public places such as airports, train stations, family style restaurants etc. Those used to be sheer torture for me, even if I walked around with a pocket full of throat-numbing lozenges and nibbled them constantly.... and the further price I paid was more often than not a couple days with a "cold" immediately after. So my freedom was curtailed by someone else's. Pffff. I'd rather have a drunk fall out in front of me... him I could step over.

Both my parents smoked for most of their lives, and it did kill them. One of lung cancer, the other of emphysema and ultimately cardiac arrest. It was a rough way to go... and.. well... I miss them still.

Now one of my dearest life-long friends has tissue-paper lungs that have collapsed twice in recent months... it's ironic that the, er, over-the-top exciting lifestyles back in our salad days didn't do near the damage that ordinary cigarettes achieved. Odds of spending our crochety old age sitting around in rockers together on a porch, shocking the young'uns and whacking at 'em with our canes are slim....

km -- let me offer you my whole-hearted admiration, sympathy, congratulations... all of it.

Smokers-- quit if you possibly can. If you really can't out-wait those urges... well... then leave us all the best memories you can, and know we love you anyway. Just do find ways not to inflict it on the rest of us... pretty please.

Q (hopping off soapbox)