Title: they do stack shit that high
created on 27 Jan 10

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Comments on this picture (4):
1. Animallvr101 wrote:
 the title shouldn't be on this site. Maybe you should make a different title.
2. tunatovah50 wrote:
 you really shouldn't use that language- there are lots of people on this site whom i'm sure don't want to see it. what if one of the very young members saw this?
3. chelydra wrote:
 The language is less a problem than the image, although the image could be rendered harmless with a change of title. Racism is self-loathing projected onto others, fear that you are no good yourself, and if you can help get everyone hating someone else yo
4. chelydra wrote:
 ...you can slip into the majority crowd and be accepted. Why not just be yourself? Maybe you're not as ugly and stupid as you fear you are.

User: shell

Profile Picture for shell

Date joined: 13 Jan 2010

Number of pictures: 7