Title: Remembrance Sunday
created on 08 Nov 09

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. lynnspotter wrote:
 What a nice tribute Login! I just saw forum comment~of course you didn't offend me! I was glad to see you couldn't vote though!
2. Login wrote:
 Thanks, lynn.
3. NADIA wrote:
 Great flower Login!
4. polenta wrote:
 Is there a Remembrance Day in England? When is it and what do they remember? I know Sunday was something for Germans. Maybe they go to the cemeteries, etc. As for the time it took, go to inked gemini pic please
5. Login wrote:
 polenta, the First World War ended on the 11th day of the 11th month 1918. Every year a Remembrance Parade is held in London, on the nearest Sunday to that date, commemorating the war dead of those (of all nations) who fought and died for the freedom of o
6. Login wrote:
 ... our country. It includes the dead and injured of many nations. http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch
.uk/customs/Remembrance.html If you copy and pase this link, delete any spaces that appear in the web-address.
7. arty wrote:
 Hi Login As to regards the question you posed, I am not sure which settlement in JOburg you rememeber. Do you mean Soweto, or Alexander? If so they were and still are not illegal ones. They have always been towns on their own. INfact Soweto has some ver
8. arty wrote:
 very upmarket areas as well as slums.
9. Login wrote:
 I'm not sure, arty. We were heading north out of Jo'burg on an elevated highway. On our left, below the highway was a massive gated compound. This was before the end of apartheid and heart went out to those people. I had hoped life had changed for them.
10. arty wrote:
 Sorry I cant think of where you mean. Unfortunatley life is even worse now for them. No work, no real health care, just a day to day existance. Thankfully many churches and other organizations do wonderful work. However it is a drop in the ocean with peop
11. arty wrote:
 people flocking in from Zim etc. My heart breaks when we see mothers with little children begging at traffic lights. Hard to sleep at night!
12. Login wrote:
 Sorry to hear that, arty. It's a cruel world. The obscenity of the developed world throwing away food, while people in other lands are starving ... just doesn't make any sense.