Title: My World
created on 30 Oct 12

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. KJLavigne wrote:
 Folks, I can't control the mouse and am unable to change background and paints on the left side. Sometimes I can't save the pic and never am able to undo. Therefore, I can't use TD like I want to. But I still enjoy your work.
2. okeanos wrote:
 joyful !!
3. clorophilla wrote:
 Hope your mouse will be restored soon - anyway, event in such difficult conditions, this pic is delightful!
4. priya41 wrote:
 ditto clorophilla!
5. methusalinka wrote:
 if a mouse that wont do what its told can be the call for such a pic..well done and with this beauty and harmon y..!!
6. indigo wrote:
 This looks like a fantastic fountain in a magical garden! ^J^
7. sandm wrote:
 .. or an angel appearing
8. lesley_gene wrote:
 Yes, an angel. This is beautiful! Happy to see you back! :)