Title: The Singing of the heavenly licorice god
created on 07 Nov 11

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Comments on this picture (6):
1. chimchar0606 wrote:
 take me to your leader!
2. ryzagan01 wrote:
 don't hurt me
3. Lizzi wrote:
 I didn't know there was a Licorice God, but it stands to reason, as licorice is a heavenly food! Why is she singing? ;) Welcome to TD, Ziggyzaggy16!
4. Lizzi wrote:
 Thanks for the explanation about the Candy Gods. Can you draw the gods of butterscotch and caramel? They are also dear to my ♥!
5. chimchar0606 wrote:
 Are they only wearing boxers?
6. silverspark324 wrote:
 How well do they sing?

User: ziggyzaggy16

Profile Picture for ziggyzaggy16

Date joined: 7 Nov 2011

Number of pictures: 3