Title: Playing Alone
created on 04 Aug 10

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Comments on this picture (12):
1. clorophilla wrote:
 so natural and true!
2. mdawrcn wrote:
 I like this.
3. polenta wrote:
 good pic
4. suzze wrote:
 Well done!
5. Lizzi wrote:
 He's building roads and towns in the sandpile. So realistic, it takes one back.
6. gimzer wrote:
 very compelling
7. Qsilv wrote:
 hm... is it just my imagination or is this character rather sad.. or frustrated... or just deeply involved in imaginings of his own?
8. mum23 wrote:
 Compelling pic... sometimes playing alone is so important, other times it is lonely...
9. five wrote:
10. danila wrote:
 yes, looks sad ..may be as he's alone...nice work..
11. mum23 wrote:
 Hi hanging... I looked in at TD today for the first time in a while and found your comment. Thank you, and missing you guys, too, but I needed to let TD go for a bit...
12. mum23 wrote:
 ... and drawing in real life is now exciting me just as TD does... and I can sit with my children and we do it together! I will keep popping back in now and then - would like to stay in touch!