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Forums - General Discussion - Prayer Requests

961. 1 Feb 2012 17:25


Sending you my love and prayers, Hazer! I'm guessing that the second knee will go a bit easier just from knowing more what to expect and what to do (and avoid doing) to help the healing. Thanks to your great family and friends, too. I'm so glad you have that support system!

962. 2 Feb 2012 01:24


Dear Hazer,
Maybe the first days now are the most difficult.
I am sending you thoughts of healing and confidence. And I`m so glad, you have Normal with you, who always find the right words, knowing you better than I do, and often speaks out, what Im only thinking.

963. 3 Feb 2012 08:38


Hey guys i know some people who are looking for a house and they found one they like but they dont know if they can get it yet due to bills so could yall pray the house stays on the market till they take care of pay ments. they have been living in a trailer for a few years so please pray they get this house, please. Thanks.

964. 7 Feb 2012 18:04


Hi everyone! I got out of the hospital on Monday the 6th. I had to stay in a couple of days longer due to low oxygen levels. I have to remember that it is still possible to breathe and grit your teeth in pain at the same time! This surgery was different in a couple of ways. I was awake for the sawing and pounding ( that, I thought, was rude), and I have a lot more bruising. The pain, however, was managed better and the physiotherapists were quite happy with my progress. So, if they are happy, so am I!
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and well wishes!

965. 7 Feb 2012 21:51


Wishing you a speedy recovery.

966. 7 Feb 2012 23:40


recover well and soon Hazer!

967. 8 Feb 2012 02:15


Thank you Hazer, for your message. Im so glad to know you on the way of recovery. Im sending you my thoughts of love and healing, so I hope you are having and making yourself all the good thoughts you need.

968. 8 Feb 2012 08:32


Whoa! "Awake fpr sawing & pounding" goes WAY beyond rude!
Do you know WHY they did that? Had to be psychologically debilitating, to
be thus "present" for the carpentry. The therapists seem to know what they're doing, though it's hard to trust in that when it hurts so dang much.
Sending you love and speedy healing!

969. 8 Feb 2012 08:57


Good news Hazer, glad you are home! I was awake for carpal tunnel surgery
twice....strange feeling isn't it! And the surgeons talked about lunch and pizza and I was HUNGRY! LOL! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. :]

970. 12 Feb 2012 11:10


I hope you have a fast and perfect recovery!

971. 13 Feb 2012 12:36


For those TDers, who dont pray (and all others), I want to place two prayers here on the prayers request site. They both are German, but I`ll speak, so it doesnt matter if someone cant understand.

Führe Du mich

Führe du, mildes Licht im Dunkel, das mich umgibt, führe du mich hinan!
Die Nacht ist finster, und ich bin fern der Heimat:
führe du mich hinan! Leite du meinen Fuß -
sehe ich auch nicht weiter: wenn ich nur sehe jeden Schritt.
Über sumpfiges Moor, über Ströme und lauernde Klippen,
bis vorüber die Nacht und im Morgenlicht Engel mir winken.
Ach, ich habe sie längst geliebt - nur vergessen für kurze Zeit.

Gott allein genügt

Nichts soll dich ängstigen,
nichts dich erschrecken!
Alles vergeht:
Gott, er bleibt derselbe.
Geduld erreicht alles.
Wer Gott besitzt,
dem kann nichts fehlen.
Gott allein genügt.

Teresa von Avila

972. 6 Mar 2012 08:17


This is so beautiful! The way everyone loves everyone else . . . I feel so tiny knowing that love is bigger than basically everything on earth.

973. 7 Mar 2012 15:56


I'd like someone out there to pray for two of my mom's friends, who recently had miscarriages, and for my great-grandmother, who died a few weeks ago.

974. 12 Mar 2012 07:46


Prayers for your family Boochie, as well as your Mom's two friends.

975. 20 Apr 2012 08:38


After almost a year and a half I am easing myself back into work- two shifts last week and three this week. Next week I will be back full time.
On Wednesday I learned that one of my former co-workers died very unexpectedly on Easter Sunday. It is a shock to all of us who have worked with her and much more so to her family.

976. 22 Apr 2012 07:56


Fine, you are back to work! Good news on my birthday. Unfortunately, I couldnt read it, because I too had a very unpleasant experience on Wednesday.

977. 22 Apr 2012 12:00


A belated Happy Birthday, sandm. Sorry to hear Wednesday wasn't a good day for you.
Yesterday, I baked some brownies and took them over to my late co-workers son. He seems so alone and overwhelmed by his Mom's sudden passing. I had not met her family before, so I don't know too much about them, but at least I could tell her son how much I appreciated and enjoyed working with his Mom.

978. 23 Apr 2012 11:56


Thank you, Hazer. I hope you are doing well.

979. 24 Apr 2012 11:56


Just wanted to say you're all in my prayers.

980. 5 May 2012 11:35


Sorry for the interference. All posts from 24 Apr 2012 to 05 May 2012 have been moved here:

This was done to protect the nature of this topic and we hope it does not upset anyone.

