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161. 19 May 2010 20:39



Thanks for your gentle sarcasm. It is well-deserved.

I think you've done a great job as caretaker of ThinkWrite.

But I am back.

And I do not suffer fools lightly.

And while I confess to using Rasputin and Mayflower and White Toad in early posts I absolutely abhor quixmickle and everything it stand for.

I further abhor variant word counts.

This was an excercise. It blossomed.

But democracy set in. And many, many idiots.

And there is almost nithing left to actually read. It's self-indulgent crap. All of it. I get razzed for not providing specific criticism but that is my specific criticism - it all sucks. Because it's too lax.

Everyone gets to read the new word list, type out some drivle and post it and wait to be patted on the back. There is no rules and there is no criticism. Oh - you referenced an elephant. I love elephants. I read about them once in a thing.

Do you realize that halfway through this thing I actually had aspirations of writing a book based on it which used the actual word lists and submissions. (And I have to emphasize here for all the giraffe's of the world [who won't actually read this deep into a post but] that I am not talking about my stiff - but the stuff of the group).

Since life took me away from here for awhile and up to my recent foray back into it. It just plain sucks. It's kinda like all the twelve-year-olds who take over the Gallery on ThinkDraw have invaded this space.

I haven't cried or laughed or cared about a single story in the last six or seven iterations of TW. Have you? Really?

I am so, so proud it's still here. But I am so, so sad that nothing's being produced. Just nothing.

And ya'll can lay into me now. But - I'll respond or I won't.

162. 19 May 2010 21:30


163. 19 May 2010 21:42


Thanks for that Qsilv. Not sure of the intent but it makes me want to stick to my guns in making this a forum of at-least good stories vs. just entries which meet the criteria (barely).

164. 20 May 2010 02:00


You're the one who starts everything with insults. Don't be surprised when they get thrown back at you. What are you? 3 years old?

165. 20 May 2010 05:34


Giraffe...I don't get involved with fights on the internet...but here, I must speak up..."What are you? 3 years old?" ...if you want to argue with someone, respond to what they say instead of just whining and throwing out Junior-High-esque insults.

Ron..."it all sucks. Because it's too lax" I'm not entirely sure what that's supposed to mean...that the rules are too lax and causing crap to be produced? Some people still follow strict rules even under lax TBs. That the willingness to give praise is to lax? Not everyone feels comfortable blatantly criticizing everything, I know I don't. And not everyone is a kind recipient of criticism. So, the quality of stories has gone down. But look closer...look at the give-and-take and at the community that's been built. Look at the fact that it's still standing.

I hear where you're coming from. ThinkWrite is in decline...whiny little wanna-be rebels fighting against what it's disgusting...

But look at what else is here before you go and kill the whole thing over that.

166. 20 May 2010 05:40


..hmm .. suffering fools lightly is a subjective matter, Ron..

ThinkWrite exists because you started it, but you can not own or control it, unless you start a separate page with the assistance and blessing of TD - I think most people would continue to contribute to this one, anyway, rather than that.

Your comment about 'making this a forum of at-least good stories vs. just entries which meet the criteria (barely)' is rather reminiscent of what an 11 year old TDer posted recently, about 'True TDers'.. and I'd like to ask, who are you to say what is good, bad or 'just meets the criteria (badly)' ?

I don't get much chance to read or contribute to ThinkWrite at the moment, but ever since day one I've been absolutely amazed by what people write - regardless of their written communication skills. What gets me every time is a totally different view of life, a new way of looking at things, etc., that I've never considered. It's just like TD - I thought we'd run out of different points of views, ideas, concepts, interpretations, etc., 12 months ago, but people keep doing totally new pictures in the old mediums.

ThinkWrite has offered another gallery for people - you don't need to be 'good' (whatever that is), you just need to want to do it - and comments and feedback are always very welcome.

Maybe you could start another forum, Ron, called 'Ron's writing challenge for at-least good stories' ?

167. 20 May 2010 14:34


Midnight, if you look at all threads and see the rudeness and insults some of us have taken, I feel I have every right to call the asshole immature, 3 year old - whatever.

168. 20 May 2010 15:46


Trust me, I've read it all. He's a rude asshole...but you're being petty and immature with your insults and not actually responding to anything he's saying. That's all I'm trying to say. Make your insults relevant or don't make 'em at all.

169. 20 May 2010 20:41


Marg and Midnight - you are correct and, as always, a voice of reason.

I've carried some baggage back into this site and for that I apologize.

None of this has to do a thing with TD or TW. It's all about my current situation and my inability to affect any change anywhere in my life. I am living as a child and being treated as a child.

So I come to the one place where I do have some modicum of respect and influence and I use that to bully and boast and bitch and complain.

But I am saddened.

I haven't specifically criticized anything on the past two iterations because I haven't actually finished a single piece.

And I also find this pent-up hostility against me just because I started this. There's been a hint of sarcasm in almost every post to me.

I'm not complaining but there seems to be this idea that I have to contribute something GREAT or contribute nothing at all.

I said how much I abhorred the word quixmickle. But I still tried twice. And even then I get things like "You can't comment if you're not contributing."

This all creates a slight simmer with me.

Then the Mexican Jumping Beans come out and I've always usually ignored them - especially in TW. But this one little monster. Well. What are you gonna do?

So I apologize to everyone except giraffe (who remains stupid).

I'm gonna go back into retirement and post my dumb little stories anonymously if I post at all.

As always - I find myself thanking the women in my life for keeping me sane. Kisses lovely lasses and adieu (sp?)

170. 20 May 2010 20:47


Last comment to giraffe. You mention all the rudeness and insults "some of us" has taken.

No dude. It's just you.

I've complained about the general state of TW. But each and every insult has been directed at you. Personally. I stand behind everything I've said.

I'll apologize for creating a flame-war in the midst of a nice-nice zone like TW. But no apologies to you.

One single response to what I was actually saying might have redeemed you in my eyes. But that was never forth-coming was it? No.

And it's ME who is the 3yo. Good one kid.


171. 20 May 2010 21:49


Midnight. How do you respond to a blatant insult that is backed by nothing except "You're boring and stupid and I want you to stop posting."

I'm outta here (by request). I'll find another board.

172. 20 May 2010 22:02


Ron, I'm not looking for redemption in your eyes. You're not the God of Creativity. Actually, I don't think your writing is any better than any of the rest of us. You just want to act like God. There are other forums. I'll leave. Have fun and be an asshole all you want. Hope that works for you.

173. 20 May 2010 22:13


Bye, all. It's been a hoot.

174. 20 May 2010 22:52


OMG. The visciousness directed at me personally on post right before my last 3 just shows me how ugly people want to be. I cannot deal with this.

175. 21 May 2010 00:23


He's not gonna leave. Serious up.

(Laughs casually over his shoulder as he walks away.)

176. 21 May 2010 05:01


200 words (not including the title, or "chapter 1"). All words present and correct.

Rascal and Dolphin, and the Fall of the White Toad

Chapter 1.

It was hot, sweat trickled down his back. Flies turned lazy circes in the thick air, and dogs panted in shadows, too tired to bark or snap at the heels of strangers walking past. Rascal leaned against his spear as he read, then re-read the proclamation:

“Henceforth, any and all irresponsible behaviour is punishable by death”

The words throbbed round his head like a bad toothache. Irresponsible? Death? The White Toad had really done it this time. Untouchable and aloof, sat in his ivory tower, the Toad’s grip on the city was unbreakable. And now he was condemning people to death because he felt like it?

The stamp of feet sounded the approach of a garrison of the Toad’s finest. Rascal was on his way to meet Dolphin, and couldn’t afford to get sidetracked. He liked to affect an air of streetwise cunning, living off his smarts and the land. Truth was he’d been to school, could read and write, and when he wanted it, a roof over his head. Not good for the image. Sighing, he stuffed the notice in his shirt.

The pounding feet were getting closer. Rascal chose street, apparently at random, and swiftly, but silently, disappeared.

177. 21 May 2010 14:13


slow smile... Ankh Morpork?

178. 21 May 2010 14:29


I will neither confirm nor deny where the inspiration came from. Though in fairness, I would never describe Havelock as a Toad

179. 22 May 2010 01:01


Hey, kids. I found a cool writing forum. Professional, non-judgemental and not cruel at all. They focus on art, writing and music. Check it out if you get bored with this intense criticism and restriction.

180. 22 May 2010 04:39


Marg. We all start out with crude drawings and if some ass tells you you are crap, you will just give up before you have the chance to grow. My daughter directs a Montessori School here and she could elaborate on that. Just sitting back and telling someone they are shit without giving any reason is destructive to the creative process. I've posted about 120 stories since I found this site.

So saying "I am God because I thought this up." That's even worse. I'm off to other lands. I've really liked your stories, but this BS has gotten too boring.