Think Draw Forums
Forums - General Discussion - Channel Baldur

61. 23 Mar 2009 18:27


the head *beating it on the wall*.....

62. 23 Mar 2009 18:28


I love the ThinkDraw Community and wonder what Rachel must think of it all when she sits back and views what we done on this site

63. 23 Mar 2009 18:28


nite now......sleepy..

64. 23 Mar 2009 18:29


I think they may have come and taken her away....

65. 23 Mar 2009 18:32


Well thank you for calling in to Radio Baldur Luna.
Have a great evening.
Actually Baldur himself is ready for bed, so for you night owls we will replay todays programming in it's entirety starting at 1030pm TDT (ThinkDraw Standard Time). I hope you all enjoyed our show, and watch for us next time here on Radio Baldur
'All Baldur, All the Time'

66. 23 Mar 2009 18:32



67. 23 Mar 2009 18:34


2.- I'm thinking bees.... and also that we're sooooo ready for improved "Search" thruout this website!

68. 23 Mar 2009 18:42


Qsilv, I read your reply just as I was shutting down. You are correct.
I took classes on beekeeping and kept 2 hives on the property for over 5 years. 2 hives doesn't sound like a lot but each had 60,000 honeybees.
We have enough honey put up to last us for years.

69. 23 Mar 2009 18:50


so here's a morning smile for ya -- I can remember "sugaring" 5 gallons tins of honey so it could be shipped more easily - and seeding it with "velvet", fine crystals (on its own it was more likely to wind up with coarse ones).

70. 23 Mar 2009 19:31


Was it really nessesary to remove my thong in order to get to all the splinters???

71. 23 Mar 2009 20:03


(handing over a small jar of honey-based unguent whilst averting eyes...
you do NOT hear a slight choking sound... )

72. 23 Mar 2009 21:22


hoo boy--I hope the gallery part is up again soon. splinters and thongs--arrgghhhh!

73. 24 Mar 2009 02:58


... but the calories in that avocado ... Oh lawks a lummy!

74. 24 Mar 2009 07:14


matthew, I fear your thong could not possibly conceal even the tiniest of splinters

75. 24 Mar 2009 07:21


Special Broadcast.....
In a surprise move by a group called: 'People's Radio Urban Decency Endeavor' the transmitter and antenna of Radio Baldur has been chopped into little bits, shredded with sharp nasty grinding metal teeth and scattered across the North Atlantic.
Because of these events Baldur has been forced into early retirement from Broadcasting
Thank you for your support during these difficult times

76. 24 Mar 2009 10:10


Thank~you for your entertainment during difficult times!!!

77. 24 Mar 2009 10:42


Not only entertainment, but yummy recipe too!

78. 24 Mar 2009 19:08


I nearly forgot to post the answers to the trivia questions.
Thank you to everyone for waiting so patiently.
The answers:
1. Esperanto & French
2. Honeybees
3. A Skull & Crossbones

79. 24 Mar 2009 22:17


Hey --honorable of you! This silly-time was worth a lot.

Now what *I* want to know is which drawing (by now I'm guessing it's not one of yours) holds chat mentioning the skull'n'bones?

; >

80. 25 Mar 2009 04:10


I don't think it still exists so you had to be there.
At one point long ago (maybe December) a bunch of us were going back in forth chatting in the comment boxes about many different topics, tattoos were one of them.
Over the last few months I've deleted many of my least favorite drawings.
The Dr Bear saga was left intact but few others remain