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Forums - Community - FAF - Free Association Friday

41. 14 Nov 2014 12:23


Industrial Revolution

42. 14 Nov 2014 12:40


Revolution No. 9

43. 14 Nov 2014 14:44


bugoy1's FAF: Love Potion #9

44. 14 Nov 2014 14:44


Love is in the air

45. 14 Nov 2014 16:20


Burgandy's 'Rubik's Cube'

46. 14 Nov 2014 16:21


katidid's 'Air Popcorn'

47. 14 Nov 2014 16:23


Baldur's 'You will be assimilated'

48. 14 Nov 2014 16:23


Now we are splintered... HELP

49. 14 Nov 2014 16:46


Yeah. I see that. Hmmm.

It was probably bound to happen eventually. It's difficult to know if someone is working on a response at the same time.

I think if we just go from Burgandy to Baldur, we will be fine. I say we just keep going from Baldur's pic. Does that work?

50. 14 Nov 2014 16:51


Maybe not. I thought there was only one pic that refers to a pic two back, but there are a few. I will try to think of a solution. Give me a minute.

51. 14 Nov 2014 17:11


Okay the splintered responses are now merged. I've created "Borg Popcorn" to unite the two sides. This answers Katidid's popcorn pic and Baldur's Borg pic.

52. 14 Nov 2014 18:31


Here is Fangzzz response.

53. 15 Nov 2014 10:47


54. 20 Nov 2014 14:03


Seems to me the whole point of FAF is FREE association. Should not matter if it goes nine ways to Sunday! I think the urge to overorganize should be stifled and just let freedom ring! The fun is in seeing what happens and who goes down the road less travellled.

55. 20 Nov 2014 14:08


I agree. Maybe there should be another F in FAF...for FUN!

56. 20 Nov 2014 14:59


There is no real rule for how this works. I only suggested to do a Friday free association thing so that it didn't take anything away from the already established Fun Tuesday. The goal was to add another spark to our creative community. If doing it everyday is what the community wants, nobody will stop it from happening. We can just call it Free Association Fun instead of Friday so that we keep the FAF from previous weeks.

So the question to the community is, does this work for you?

57. 20 Nov 2014 15:09


No, no, no! I did not mean every day. Friday is good! I meant who cares how exactly each person "associates" their particular idea. Just start it off and let 'er rip. I'm sure our community will spark nicely along, all day Friday. (And whatever day it is where Fangzz is located.)

58. 20 Nov 2014 15:34


Sorry, I was confused by the "if it goes nine ways to Sunday" line. I thought you were seeking more days for it.

I agree, whatever connection that is made, go with it. It doesn't matter if they take a piece of the image and use it differently, or if they make a loose connection to to the theme. That's why the word "free" is part of the title.

By the way, did all of the FAF pics get added last week to this thread? Did we end with Clrmered? Or was there another one after that? I just wanted to make sure we were set since the start of another Friday is just hours away.

59. 20 Nov 2014 16:40


What I was trying to get at: If somebody sees Clrmered's cart and goes with "shopping," while another runs with "cart," we should just let them freely associate
and not try to corral the ideas into ALL linking together somehow. (What I meant by the 9 ways - if it goes in 9 directions, why worry?) I do understand that it was your idea and you have the organized mind! I guess mine gave up on that some while ago.

60. 20 Nov 2014 18:02


Okay, I see what you are saying.

The reason I like to build off of the last pic instead of any drawing from whenever, is not really because of organization. It is because of the challenge. If we can associate with anything from whenever, how is that different than adding a drawing every other day of the week? The challenge is not only to think of a way to build off of the latest, but to do it without having days to come up with a response. Every other day of the week we have as long as we like to create something. Much of what we do is influenced off of each other.

What I'm saying is that if you ignore the direction taken by the last artist, it removes most of the challenge. I think the challenge brings out more inspiration. However, everyone is free to do as they wish.