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Forums - General Discussion - The Doldrums

121. 3 Nov 2011 00:14


Lost over 50Ibs in weight now!!!

122. 3 Nov 2011 07:42


CONGRATULATIONS!! That is great news! ^J^

123. 3 Nov 2011 14:47


Wow Steve... that would be like me losing my whole daughter... How awesome is that... You are making great strides...

124. 4 Nov 2011 00:08


Thank you

125. 4 Nov 2011 03:08


For Halloween 2011 (The Dark by Stephen Martin)

The dark... completes the silence in my room,
Heart beating heavily against clammy chest,
Hairs prickle my neck within the gloom,
Sweat beads soak into a dampened vest.

Shivering; as the draft licks whitened cheeks,
movements startle the corners of reddened eyes,
strange deep shadows seem to leak-
from closet doors and whimpering cries.

Shapes grow and take on forms,
frightening monsters and gruesome beasts,
With razor sharp teeth and wicked horns,
That look hungrily at marrowed bones to feast.

Wild with terror, knees hugged tight,
rocking violently back and forth,
terrified screams echo the absence of light,
Rebounding from walls and doors.

Then suddenly the light shines brightly,
Darkness retreats back...for now,
A kind hand strokes my forehead lightly,
Soothing a sweat soaked brow.

At least for tonight I can rest,
These monsters banished somehow,
comforted by a Mothers' caress,
I sleep soundly...safely, for now!

Stephen Martin (2011)

126. 4 Nov 2011 05:35


so beautiful, and prefectly in tunes with halloween and with the challenge "phobias". Now, we wait for the picture too!

127. 4 Nov 2011 07:13


This is for Steve.. It was done on Oct. 26, 2008 by Tim42

128. 4 Nov 2011 07:16


And another by ARW65, July 29. 2009. Also great poem! :]

129. 4 Nov 2011 07:18


I was just going to share that with Steve... thanks indgo

130. 4 Nov 2011 08:20


Funny thing is whenever I read my poem back to myself in my head it sounds just like Vincent price in Thriller, lol thank-you for the pictures and comments those pictures are really good, are they from a film starring Natalie Portman called (V) Vendetta or something like that, very good!

131. 8 Nov 2011 02:22


I will continue posting weight statistics just as a record:
362 Pounds equivalent to 164.30 Kilograms or 25 stone, 11 pounds and 6 ounces, BMI = 52 My height = 183 cm approx or 5 feet 10 cm.

132. 21 Nov 2011 23:50


Weight 355.4 Pounds

133. 5 Dec 2011 02:20


Still decreasing in size thank you: weight now 347 Ibs, total lost since September 71 Ibs.

An interesting by-product of my increasing mobility is exposure to seasonal viruses, so bronchitis aside I am doing really well, cough cough!

Finished all of my Christmas shopping, put up a Christmas tree and decorations for the first time in years, and my flat has never looked tidier. It's been a massive improvement on previous years. Blood analysis has shown that my diabetes is now completely DIET controlled and that blood sugar counts H1NBC is now below average and healthier than it's been in over 10 years. Blood pressure, Cholesterol is all in normal ranges, I am now off Prozac for good. Even more exciting is that 6 months on I am starting to show recovery from the nerve damage caused by Bells Palsy it's a work in progress but the signs are there.

All in all it's been a very productive and busy year for me...Roll on 2012!

Merry Christmas everyone xxx

Stephen Martin
Dover, Kent,

134. 5 Dec 2011 02:23



Once I saw an angel, exalting in hymn;
Its wings spread proud in glorious flight;
Its spirit bathed my heart with light,
Oh Glorious Seraphim!

Once I saw an angel, rejoicing in hymn;
With feathered grace; as of a Dove,
Landed gently and preached its love,
Oh Wondrous Seraphim!

And as it spoke, a host approached,
Of tiny Cherubim:

One strummed a golden harp, politely,
Another a trumpet horn; so proud,
Together they played heavenly music;
Whilst others watched from lowly clouds,

Then the angel gestured to the sky,
With wings outstretched it began to fly,
Followed by the Cherubim,
Was the glorious Angel - Seraphim!

By Stephen Martin

135. 5 Dec 2011 02:24


Thought I might add one of my poems it's the closest thing I have that might reflect a Christmas mood. It is a feel good poem I hope written by myself a couple of years back.

136. 5 Dec 2011 08:07


what amazing news Steve, and great mood!

hope you are enjoying your increased mobility!

137. 5 Dec 2011 09:09


Wonderful Steve!! It's great to hear that everything is going so well for you. Hope the good news keeps on coming in the New Year.

138. 5 Dec 2011 19:32


You are an inspiration to all of us on TD, Steve. I wish you all the best as you celebrate Christmas with a renewed zest for life and I look forward to reading your posts and poems!

139. 31 Dec 2011 16:47



140. 31 Dec 2011 21:22


Happy New Year to you too Steve!