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Certainly people should "have the right to vote how they feel"

-- only with the system skewed the way it is now, that's more of a veto than an equal vote.

(equal shrug --and a quiet smile) I love TD anyhow.


Puzzler's right marg, there's nothing self-centered about it at all. When I got 1 in the top 5 I was showing everybody, even the people who don't have clue what TD is. You should be really proud when you get in there, because there's so much really good art of here.


As I'm sure I've said somewhere else - there is nothing wrong with being proud of your achievements.


You summed it up pretty well, Ernie..

.. except, when you spend a LOT of time on a picture and you're happy with it, it's awfully nice to have other people rate it highly and have your moment of fame in the Top 5

(well.. I've been lucky to scrape in twice now, and I love it - sorry if that just seems self-centred)


Exactly my own sentiments, Ernie.