Profile for _Akira_:
Profile Picture for _Akira_ Location: CO, USA
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Website: -
About Me: I'm currently a sophomore in high school and was born and raised in Vietnam for about 5 years until I moved to the US. I love hanging around on TD, reading manga or a good book, and I especially love anime~!! ♪ヽ(∩。∩゛ヽ) I'm also currently taking Japanese lessons from a friend of mine who's fluent at it, but my Japanese is still not as good, so if there's a mistake in one of the titles of my pictures, please tell me. (^-^'') [Sorry everyone, school is back so I won't be on as often. =( ]

Think Draw Stats:

Date Joined: 8 Apr 2011   Number of pictures: 15

_Akira_ has 11 followers and is following 16 users

Has a picture in:

  Top 5 April 11

