Title: Resting
created on 07 Apr 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. ferretkiss wrote:
 looks good!
2. shosho wrote:
 i like your choosing of colors!!
3. marky wrote:
 Heavy complex stuff shanley,cool.
4. debray wrote:
5. marg wrote:
 Heya Shanley.. I really like the pic, but have to admit I don't see the connection to 'Plants' - can you clarify ?
6. Shanley wrote:
 lol...how about the trees, grass? it was supposed to be a forest in the beginning but than the pic would've got a bit 'too crowdy' if you know what i mean...hope I'll dare to draw a forest...just seems so difficult to get that right
7. Shanley wrote:
 (i think that pic for the poem and poets - Spring -was the closest i got to this forest thing. one more reason to apprciate brae TD-ers like Qsilv, Login, A44eka, Matthew...some old pics that 'made it' to my memory:) )
8. chelydra wrote:
 Cool playback. Kinda cubist... Great space.