Title: Flying Chimny & Sunroof of my House
created on 17 Mar 10

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Comments on this picture (8):
1. arty wrote:
 Oh no!!! Are you having a storm?
2. Normal wrote:
 Oh, sorry! Looks like you got caught in those big winds!
3. kyung wrote:
 Yes, we were evacuated from the house last Saturday, and have been staying in Holyday Inn. Gas, electricity, and water off from the town!! Inside my house is now soaking wet ;O(
4. indigo wrote:
 Good depiction kyung!
5. indigo wrote:
 Saw all the big mess on the news! I hope and pray things will get better for you and yours soon!
6. mekeys wrote:
 I've been there..My house was destroyed by "RITA",but that was five years ago..
 Hope all goes well for you under Tornado alert about 15 miles south of me right now
8. spam wrote:
 Goodness - hope soon calms down and you are able to get back to your home and sort out the mess!