Title: feeling somewhat fuzzy
created on 07 Jan 10

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Comments on this picture (17):
1. matthew wrote:
 I've seen a prettier head on a mug of beer, but over all you look fine... Which stooge are you?
2. Baldur wrote:
3. matthew wrote:
 Fitty cent's Dad???
4. Baldur wrote:
 I'm his Papi
5. indigo wrote:
6. hjjr wrote:
 meet you there!
7. gocards wrote:
 Very suave.
8. Robindcr8l wrote:
 Your hat is dapper and suave indeed, but your eyes still suggest mayhem!
9. lilalee wrote:
 We love the Stooges, and watch their DVD's lot's. They are my favorite from old TV. You will enjoy!!
10. sheftali52 wrote:
 The hat is really the cat's meow!
11. matthew wrote:
 YOU MADE A HAT FROM A CAT! I MUST SITE THAT'S IMPOLITE! But that does make you the "Cat in the Cat Hat"...
12. Baldur wrote:
 What cat? What you talkin' about Willis?
13. Login wrote:
 'Hope you enjoyed the festival.
14. Baldur wrote:
 Both nights were marvelous, thank you
15. shosho wrote:
 very nice pic.!!
16. Animallvr101 wrote:
 That's great! Just wondering but on your profile why does it say you are one hundred five???
17. AFSOUTH wrote: